2022 Supporters

The Maine Monitor is published by the 501(c)(3) nonprofit Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting. We rely on individual contributions, major gifts, corporate sponsorships, and foundation grants.

In 2022, 96% of our operating budget was supported by readers and organizations who donated to our mission of delivering fearless, independent journalism to inform Mainers about the issues impacting our state and inspire them to take action. Earned revenue made up 4% of our operating budget.

We are deeply grateful to each and every one of you whose generosity enabled us to undertake important investigations and to hire another reporter in 2022 to produce the in-depth, impact journalism you see here each week.

Donor Transparency: We are committed to transparency in every aspect of funding our organization. Accepting financial support does not mean we endorse donors or their products, services or opinions. We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals, organizations and foundations to help with our general operations, coverage of specific topics, and special projects. Our news judgments are made independently — not based on or influenced by donors. We do not give supporters the rights to assign, review or edit content. We will not accept donations from sources who, deemed by our board of directors, present a conflict of interest with our work or compromise our independence.

Thank you to our 2022 supporters:

Charitable Foundation Supporters

Emerson Collective
Stephen & Tabitha King Foundation
Nicholas B. Ottaway Foundation
Knight Foundation
Maine Community Foundation
Investigative Editing Corps
INN / NewsMatch
Island Foundation
Pulitzer Center
The Betterment Fund
The Bingham Program
Elmina B. Sewall Foundation
Report for America / GroundTruth Project
Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs, Colby College

Contributed $10,000 and above

Richard and Ann Bresnahan
Adam and Diana Lee
Paul Litvak and Kristen Cosby
Doug Warren and Pamela Berry

Contributed $5,000 to $9,999

John and Linda Coleman
Robert and Moira Fuller
Robert and Alene Gelbard
Fletcher and Katie Kittredge
Margot Milliken and Roger Miliken
Robert Monks and Bonnie Porta

Contributed $1,000 to $4,999

Richard Armstrong
Richard Barringer and Martha Freeman
John and Janis Bell
Bernotavicz Family Charitable Fund
Greg Bestick
Jane and Frank Bragg
Leon Bresloff and Mary Bayer
Reade and Martha Brower
John Brown
Robert and Marcia Chaffee
Jay and Margo Davis
Jed Davis
Harriette and Peter Griffin
Joe Higdon and Ellen Sudow
Dara Jeanne Kaufman Fund
Kennebec Savings Bank
Barbara Kline
Cindy Lang
Joan Leitzer and Kenneth Spirer
Penny Linn
Rachel and Ted McEnroe
Pat Richardson
Marilyn Moss-Rockefeller and James Rockefeller
Joyce Rumery
Connie Sage Conner and Philip Conner
Irene Schmidt
Michael Sheehan
Stockman Fund
Joan Sturmthal
Anne and Tom Van Buren
Linzee Weld and Peter Milliken

Contributed $500 to $999

Thomas Bateman
Andrew and Linda Brenner
Tim Case
Bo Norris and Cathy Houlihan
David Dahl
Sarah Dahl
Brian and Meg Dietz
Kem and Phoebe Edwards
Joel Frantzman
Benno and Stephanie Friedman
Rudi and Dorothy Graf
William Harwood
Elisabeth Hoffman
Carl Hulse
Infrastructure Partners
Christopher Lyman
Laura McCandlish
Pamela Maffei McCarthy
Nick Mills
Joanne Omang
Stephen D. Poulos
Robert and Mary Rackmales
RFB Advertising
Robert Rivas
Bruce Roberts and Susan Feiner
Bonita B. Rodden
Larry Ropeik
John and Carolyn Rosenblum
Paul Rudman
Jim and Lynn Shaffer
Matthew and Keiko Storin
Leslie Tidwell
Abigail Trafford
Julie McCay Turner
Charles Verrill

Contributed $499 and below

Carole Aaron
Bill Adair
Patricia Albison
Leo Algeo
Davies Allan
Tom and Diana Allen
Lynn Hower Allen
Andy Aloisio
Skip Aluisy
Brett Amundsen
Karin Anderson
Richard Andren
Ethan Andrews
Caroline Andrews
Caitlin Andrews
Carol Ansheles
Cushman Anthony
Holly L Antolini
Jennifer Armstrong
Melissa Arndt
Dick Atlee
Judith Auten
Ross and Joanne Babcock
Jonathan Bachofen
Nancy Bank
Dick Barnes and Suzanne VanWye
Mary Barnes
Elizabeth Barrett
Julia Basset Schwerin
Jonathan Beal
Kimberley Beal
John Beaudoin
Peter and Joan Beckerman
Roger Beeley
James Beidler
Severin Beliveau
Arthur Bell
Dozier Bell and Kenneth Greenleaf
Felice Belman
Roger Berle
Robert and Patricia Bernheim
Seth Berry
Wendy Betts
Alison Beyea
Judith and John Bielecki
Steve Bien
Geoffrey Bird
Michele Bird
Lucy Birkett
Jim Bishop
Alice Bissell
Sarah Bixler
Jerry Bley
David Blocher
Todd Bluhm and Micaela Schweitzer-Bluhm
Penelope Boardman
Eli Boesch Dining
John Boit
Bob Bond
John and Doris Bonneau
Patricia Boston
Sandra Hall Bourrie
Michael and Linda Bowe
Linda Bowe
Ellen Bowman
Peter Brann
John Bredar
Emily and Norman Breitner
Ward Briggs
Deborah Brooke
Loren Brown and Pamela Corcoran
Elise Brown
Eric Buch
Eric Buck
Melissa Burdick
Gordon Burnes
James Burnett
Bruce Burnham
Robert Butler
Michael G. Byron
Sam Cady
Carol Cahill
Paul and Kathryn Cain
Theresa Calabraro
Linda Cardente
Catherine Carey
Mike Carey
Kevin and Cathy Carey
Murray Carpenter
Jan Carpenter
Matt Carroll
Rickey Celentano
Margaret Chadwick
Doug Chamberlin
Nancy Chandler
Deborah Chapman
Maynard Charron
John Christie and Naomi Schalit
Heather Ciras
Ned Claxton
Cathy Coffman
Peter Collins
Stephen Collins and Candace Hill
Jane Conrad
David and Margaret Cook
Kimberly Cook
Helen Coon
Catherine Cornell
Madeleine Corson
Jane Costlow
Deborah Cotter
James and Meredith Cough
Douglas Cowan
Beverly Crain
Carl Cramer
Janet and Richard Crane
Nancy Crowell and Rob Sellin
Brenda Cummings
Megan Cunningham
Millicent Curran
Barbara Currier
Sarah Cushman
Marilyn Dahl
Alexandra Dailey
David Damon
Lisa Damtoft
Judith Danielson
Jane and Stan Davis
Geoffrey Dawson
Christopher Dawson
Deborah Deatrick
Diane Dewhirst
Sherry Dickstein
Michael P. Dixon
Karen Dobbyn
Lynn Dombek
Chuck Donnelly
E Scott Dow
Catherine Downey
Paul Drinan
Daniel Driscoll
Mimi Dunn
Charles Durfee
Susan Edwards
David Elliott
Eugene and Barbara Elrod
Japhet Els
Susan Emmet
Laura Evans
Gifford Ewing
Ellen Farnsworth
Richard Fecteau
Mark Feeley
Joyce Fehl
Deb Felder
Eric Fernandez
Averil Fessenden
Jim Field
Walking Stick Family Fund
Glenn Fleury
Carol Flynn
Gary Friedmann
Heather Frommelt
Stephen Gaal
Sara Gagan
Alison Gagliardi
Maria Gail
Dora Galitzski and Jan Rosenbaum
Wendy Gamble
Gina Garey
Peter and Jean Ann Garrett
Caleb and Jim Gerritsen
Nicholas Gess
Frank Gibney
Robert Gips and Karen Harris
Blackbaud Giving Fund and Autodesk Foundation
Ann Goggin
Peter Goldman
Solomon Goldman
Martha Goodale
Gretchen Gordon
Thomas Gould
Judith Gray
Jenny Gray
John Greenman
Kay Greenwood
Susan Gross
Ellen Grunblatt
John W. and Jean K. Gulliver
Steve Gunn
Mark Haley
Sibyl Haley
Peter Haller
Benjamin Hamm
Keith Hammitte
Susan Hanna
Scott Hanson
Ralph and Melinda Harder
Thomas Hartnett and Lisa Copenhaver
Barbara Harrison
Veronica Hartman
Leslie Harvey
Harmon and Jane Harvey
William Harwood and Ellen Alderman
Lillian Kerr Haversat
Sue Hawes
Emily F. Hawkins Charitable Fund
Roger Heard
Suzannah Heard
Terry Heller
Deborah J Henderson
Frederick Hewett
John and Betsy Hewlett
Jay Higginbotham
George and Cheryl Higgins
William Hine
Dwight Hines
Beverly Hoffman
Claire Holman
Holly Howes
Jean Hubbell
Nancy Hudak

Lee Humphrey
Elizabeth and Chris Hunt
Paula Jacunski
Rebecca Jauch
Renée Johansson
Charles Johnson
Johnson Legal LLC
Meredith Jones and Dana Murch
Michael Jones and Judith Head
Anita B. Jones
Laura Juraska and Richard Fochtmann
Ruta Kadonoff
Ellen Kanner
Edward and Judith Keenan
Tom Keller
Wendy Kellett
Casey Kelly
Peter Kesser
Sarah Keyes
Joan Kidman
Deborah Kiley
Deborah Weyhe Kiley
Jerry King
Angus King III
Brigitte Kingsbury
Sheila Kirby
Fred Knight
Cynthia Koch
Robert Kohl
Edith Konesni
Bill and Deborah Korol
Ron Kreisman and Roberta de Araujo
Linda Labaree
Megan Ladd
Raymond Lambert
Whitney Landon
Richard Langley
Jana Lapoint
Andrew Lardie
David Larrabee
Richard and Sama Lawrence
Richard Leavitt and Anne Gass
Barbara Leonard and Daniel Marra
Kathie Leonard
Jonathan Lepoff
Jennifer and Jamy Libsack
Phil Lilienthal
Hildie Lipson and Dwain Young
Sherryl Livingston
Patricia Lombardi
Joseph Longtin
George Look
Katherine Loren
Patricia Lown
Karen Lukacs
Ben Lund and Barbara Granville
Patricia Lundholm and Ted Johanson
James Lyna
Kenneth MacArthur
Sarah MacColl
Bruce MacDonald
K Mann
John Marshall
Peg and Gary Mascher
Mort and Barbara Mather
Linnell Mather
James and Jean Matlack
Nancy Bellhouse May
Benjamin McAlexander
Heather McCargo
Brendan McCarthy
Thomas McClain
Deborah McDermott
Jane McDonnell
Laura McFarland-Taylor
Eleanor McGrath
Joshua McIntyre
John McKee
Peter McLaughlin
Roger McNeill
Elizabeth McPherson and Paul Kando
James and Leslie McSorley
James Melcher
Peter Mendall
George Metes
Lawrence Meyer
Dan Meyer and Wendy Flaschner
Alan and Kay Michka
Roy Miller
Carlton Mills
Rita Mitchell
Karen Mock
Cathy Moison
Robert A. Moore
Donald and Paula Moore
Joseph Moore and Beth Chiquoine
Kathy Moran
Mason and Margaret Morfit
James Morin
Susan Morris
Robert Morrison
Francis Moulton
Rosemarie Mullin
Elenita Muniz
Matt Murphy
Wendy Murphy
Peter and Deborah Murray
Nick Murray
Lynne Nash
Peter Neill
Robert Nelson
Erik Nelson
Dave Newbold
Jeff Norris
Helen Norton
Maine Climate Action Now
Stephen O’Donnell
Frank O’Hara and Jane O’Rourke
Rik O’Neal
Lee OBrien
David and Sue Offer
Gretchen Ogden
Kathryn Olmstead
Matthew Page
Vanessa Paolella
Elizabeth Parker
Rozanna Patane
Stephen Patriquen
Clare and Lewis Payne
Cynthia Peoples
Susan Snider and Michael Percy
Jim Perkins and Theresa Kerchner
Betsy Peters
Robert Phillips
Janine Pineo
Judith and Barry Pitchforth
Robert Porter
Nick Poulton
Geoffrey and Kathryn Precourt
Martha Price
Judith Rawlings
Edward and Karen Rea
Elizabeth Read
Molly Read
Nancy Reichenbach
Charles and Kathleen Remmel
Diane Ricker
Pat Robinson
Liv Rockefeller and Ken Shure
Merle Rockwell
Carl Rogers
George and Judy Rogers
Margaret Rosch
Sharon Rosen
Jim Ross
Richard Roth
Neil Rouda
Kristen Rupert and John H. Foote
William Salomon
Greg and Caroline Sample
Jim Samuel
Vanessa Sandom
Cheryl Saniuk-Heinig
Ineke Schair
Marina Schauffler
Molly Schen
Jim and Ellie Schneid
Duncan Schweitzer
Nina Scott
Nancy Scovern
Robin Hadlock Seeley
Kayda Selby
Harborview Service
David Sewall
Sydney and Deborah Sewall
James Shanley
Susan Sharon
Janet Shauer
Paul Sheridan
Luke Shorty
Gretchen Sibely
Rich Silkman
Andrew and Theresa Silsby
Jim and Karen Simpson
Jim Sitrick Jr
John Smedley
Hedrick Smith and Susan Zox
David Smith
Jeff Smith
Deirdre Smith
Dick and Carole Snyder
Michael Socolow
Elizabeth Solet
David Solmitz
Stephen Soucy
Heather Spalding and Will Sugg
Ken and Sue Spalding
Greg Spears
Judy Spiller
Christopher Spinato
Bill Sprague
Elizabeth Squibb
Rebecca Stanley and Charles A. Jacobs
Allen Steele
Becky Steele
Judy Stein
Robert Stevens and Kathleen Sullivan
John Stifler
Debra Stone
Elizabeth Stothart
John Sturc
Andrea Suarez Hill and Arthur Hill
Kathryn Sykes
Katherine Szabo
Peter Taggart
Burton W Taylor
Leah Taylor
Tom Tedeschi
Martin Teitel
Caroline Teschke
Beverly Thorpe
Elise Thorsen
Cindy Tibbetts
Sharon Tisher
Hannah Todd
Dianne Torresen
Michael Trombley
Kim Trumbull
Craig Urquhart
David and June Vail
Medora Van Denburgh
Eric Van Loon
Colin Vettier
David VonSeggern
Richard and Lois Wagner
Laurie Wainberg
Linda Wales
Steven R Walk
Alexander and Kathi Wall
Joyce Walworth
Cornelia Walworth
Ted and Candace Walworth
Edward Walworth MD
Charlotte Warren
Dan Warren, Esq.
Helen and Austin Watts
Gordon and Roberta Weil
Gretchen Welch
Mick Weltman
Natalie West and Rob Sellin
Sue West
Nat and Genie Wheelwright
Steve White
Elizabeth Whitman
Annarosa Whitman
James Willey
Richard and Patricia Windecker
Barbara Winterson and Stephen Shannon
Traci Wolfe
Loren Wolsh
Barbara Wood
Robert Wood and Emme-King Peterson
Cynthia Wood
Mark Woodruff
Micca and Ben Wootten
Joan Wright
Carl Wrubel
Geoffrey Young
David Zachow
Barry and Jane Zimmerman
David Zuk and Caroline Andrews