The Maine Monitor is published by the 501(c)(3) nonprofit Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting. We rely on individual contributions, major gifts, corporate sponsorships, and foundation grants.
In 2024, donations and philanthropic grants from individuals and foundations accounted for 98% of our operating revenue. We are deeply grateful to each and every one of you whose generosity made it possible for us to undertake important investigations and to expand our news coverage to bring you more of the in-depth, impactful journalism you see here each week.
We are committed to transparency in every aspect of funding our organization. Accepting financial support does not mean we endorse donors or their products, services or opinions. Our news judgments are made independently — not based on or influenced by donors. Read our complete Donor Policy.
View our: 2023 supporters | 2022 supporters
Thank you to our 2024 supporters:
Charitable Foundation Supporters
Amalgamated Charitable Foundation
Arete Foundation
Arizona State University Foundation
Arnold Ventures
Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
Elmina B. Sewall Foundation
Emerson Collective
Fund for Investigative Journalism
Horizon Foundation
Inasmuch Foundation
Institute for Nonprofit News
Island Foundation
Libra Foundation
Local Independent Online News Publishers, Inc.
Maine Community Foundation
Maine Initiatives
Margaret E. Burnham Charitable Trust
Press Forward
Pulitzer Center
Report for America / GroundTruth
Sadie and Harry Davis Foundation/Klingenstein
Stephen & Tabitha King Foundation
The Bingham Program
The William Sloane Jelin Foundation
The Windover Foundation
University of Maryland College Park Foundation
Publisher Circle Members
Richard and Ann Bresnahan
Doug Warren and Pamela Berry
Truthseeker Members
Adam and Diana Lee
Angela Hill
Angela Mellon
Anna Jones
Broderick and Daniels Charitable Fund
Carol and Joe Whishcamper Going Beyond Fund
Catherine Lee and Robert Moyer
Christopher and Jennifer Boyer
Colin Baker Charitable Fund
Connie Sage Conner and Philip Conner
David and Kathy Dahl
David Perloff
Don and Gloria Fleck Charitable Gift Fund
Ed Mueller and Cynthia Haines
Ellen McCurley
Elsbeth Dijxhoorn
Emily Barr and Scott Kane Charitable Fund
Ezra James Briggs Family Fund
George and Cheryl Higgins
Greg and Caroline Sample
H. Landis Gabel
Harriette and Peter Griffin
Heather Weiss
Helen Norton
Holt Family Fund
Ineke Schair
Irene Schmidt
Island Institute
Jane and Frank Bragg
Janet Shenk
Jay and Margo Davis
Jim and Lynn Shaffer
Joan Leitzer and Kenneth Spirer
Joanne Omang
John and Carolyn Rosenblum
John and Linda Coleman
John Brown
Jon Lund
Josephine Briggs
Joyce Rumery
Julie and Steve Shane
Kairos Fund
Katrina B Pugh Charitable Gift Account
Kennebec Savings Bank
Kraus Piper Family Fund
Lawrence Sterrs
Leon Bresloff and Mary Bayer
Linzee Weld and Peter Milliken
Long Cove Fund
Margot and Roger Milliken
Matthew and Keiko Storin
Michael and Barbara Peisner
Mike Federle
Muddy Boots Fund
Nadia Saliba
Nine Mile Bridge Fund: In honor of Joe and Carol Wishcamper
Pat Richardson
Paul Litvak and Kristen Cosby
Penny Linn
Peter and Joan Beckerman
Peter Collins
Point Harbor Fund at the Maine Community Foundation
Rachel and Ted McEnroe
Rebecca Cooney
RFB Advertising
Robert and Alene Gelbard
Robert and Marcia Chaffee
Robert and Missy Shay Charitable Fund
Stephen Hindy and Ellen Foote
Sterling Speirn
Stewart Newell and Susan Kohler Gray
The Health, Water and Conservation Fund
The Magnolia Fund
The Minimoney Fund
The Stephen D. Poulos Fund
Think Globally Fund
Thomas Cox
Walter and Sue Stafford Gift Fund
Ward Briggs
Wayanne Fund
Whalen Charitable Gift Account
Fearless Members
Anita Herrick
Benno and Stephanie Friedman
Bernotavicz Family Charitable Fund
Brenner Rudman Charitable Trust
Brian and Meg Dietz
Brian McFeeters
Bryan and Sarah Carey Fund
Caron and Egan Giving Fund
Charles J. and Judith Micoleau Family Fund
Charles Verrill
Christopher Lyman
Cynthia and Lance Ball
David and Margaret Huckabee
David Sewall
Deirdre Strachan and Jose Mas
Denise Soucy
Dot Kelly
Edward and Karen Rea
Elizabeth Ehrenfeld
Elizabeth Stevens and George Stevens Jr
Five Peaks Fund
Fleck McEntee Family Fund
Giraffe Fund
Growsmart Maine
Gruverman Family Fund
Hannah Wunderli
James and Meredith Cough
James Doyle
Janet Hunkel
Jeanandre Rougeot
Jed Davis
Jerry King
Jim and Ann Goggin
Joan Wright
Joel Frantzman Trustee
John and Janis Bell
John Fitzpatrick
Karen Young and Paul Robie
Kathryn Olmstead
Kenneth Lieb
Lorraine Morse
Marian L. McCue
Meredith Jones and Dana Murch
Micca and Ben Wootten
Pamela and Joe McCarthy
Paul and Maureen Hoffman Charitable Fund
Paul Kuehnert
Paula Gibbs McKenney
Paula Silsby
Peter and Jean Ann Garrett
Peter Harris
Philip Taubman
Rachel Haas
Renée Johansson
Robert and Mary Rackmales
Robert Gips and Karen Harris
Roberts-Feiner Charitable Fund
Ruben Brown
Sally Zierden
Sanford and Susie Criner
Stephen Gaal
Susan Axelson
Susan Morris
Susanne MacArthur and K.C. MacArthur III
The Hanselman Leon Charitable Fund
The S and K Family Fund
Tim Case
Tracy Bodine and John Pickering
Tracy Floyd and Bryson Hopkins
Valerie Tate
Wick and Ruth Johnson
Public Interest Members
Alan and Kay Michka
Alan McIlhenny
Alec Robinson
Alexander and Kathi Wall
Allison Luciano
Andrew and Theresa Silsby
Angelica Braestrup
Ann Tartre
Archibald and Linda Gillies
Barbara Leonard and Daniel Marra
Ben Willauer
Bill and Deborah Korol
Bob Carey
Brian Lavoie
Bud and Susan Stiker
C. T. Wrubel
Candace Kanes
Carl Rogers
Cathy Landau-Painter
Cliff Singer
Craig Gray
Craig Urquhart
David and Linda Souers
David and Marilyn Ellwood Charitable Fund
David and Sue Offer
David Boyer
David Foster
David Zachow and Annie Guppy
Deborah Brooke
Douglas Cowan
Dudley Greeley and Nancy Artz
Duncan Schweitzer
Dunlap Charitable Fund
Edward and Judith Keenan
Edward Walworth MD
Emily Hoechst
Emily Rand Breitner
Frank O’Hara and Jane O’Rourke
Fred Beck
Geoffrey Dawson
George and Judy Rogers
Gerald and Charlene Petruccelli
Gerald Crispino
Glenn Montgomery
Gordon and Roberta Weil
Gretchen and David Welch
Heiser Cohen Family Fund
Helene Ragovin-James
Janet McMahon
Jean and John Gulliver
Jeanne Bourgault and Ray Jennings
Jeff and Karen Milliken
Jeff Norris
John Gillespie
John March
Johnson Legal LLC
Jon Stein
Jonathan Ellis
Justin and Payal Schair
Karen and Jim Simpson
Kathleen and U. Charles Remmel II Charitable Fund
Kay Mann
Keith Hammitte
Kem and Phoebe Edwards
Kerry and Debbie Briggs
Kristen Rupert and John H. Foote
Kristin Morris
Laura McCandlish
Lee Lumpkin
Leslie Harvey
Libby Catania
Lily Fessenden
Lin Lufkin
Liz Jenkins
Mari White
Marilyn Rockefeller
Mary Allen
Mary Chaney and Nancy Ryan McKisson
Matt and Karen Hoff
Matthew Miner
Michael Comer
Mike and Ann Grant: In memory of Dave Wollstadt
Millie Moran Curran Fund
Mitchell Stein
Mock-Parker Charitable Fund
Nancy and Stephen Murphy
Naomi Schalit and John Christie
Natalie West and Rob Sellin
Nick Mills
Nick Poulton
Parker Roberts
Paul and Alison Gagliardi
Peter Argue
Peter Neill
Putzel Family Fund
Randall Curtis
Ray Jennings
Rev. Evelyn E. Clowes and Mr. Jonathan Clowes
Richard Tozier and Carol Gillette
Rick Rector
Robert and Stephanie Nelson
Robert McIntire and Gail Wipplehauser
Roger and Roberta Harding Wrubel
Roger Berle and Lesley MacVane
Sally Beaudette
Sarah and Chris Tomalty
Sarah and Paul Strickland
Sarah Shed
Sarah Talalay
Stein Family D.A.F.
Stephen and Elizabeth Brooke
Sue Ellen Bordwell
Sydney and Deborah Sewall
The Baobab Fund
The Shagbark Fund
Thomas and Amy Haible
Thomas Kennon
Tom Goettel
Tux Turkel
Virginia and Peter Fleisher
William Harwood and Ellen Alderman
Monitor Members
Adam Powell
Adrian Blevins
Adrian Zelazny
Alan Brooks
Alan Garber
Alden Chandler
Alec Stais
Alexandra Gillespie
Alfred and Linda Reynolds
Alice Knapp
Alice Rohman
Alice’s Fund
Alison Beyea
Alison Enslin
Alison M McCrady
Alison McKellar
Alix Hopkins: In honor of Naomi Schalit, John Christie and Marina Schauffler
Allan and Linda Currie
Allen Steele
Allison Morrill
Allison Snow
Ally Keppel
Alvion Kimball
Alyson Cummings
Amanda Cooley
Amy Kuhn
Andrea Nurse
Andrea Schober
Andrea Suarez Hill and Arthur Hill
Andrew Coburn
Andrew Fiori
Andrew Glassberg
Andrew Goode
Andrew Lackoff
Andrew Lardie
Andrew Marsters
Andrew McAuliff
Andrew Steinharter
Andrew Stevenson
Andy and Susie Tolman
Andy Kerr
Andy Revkin
Ann Bex
Ann Dorney
Ann Kennedy
Ann LeRoyer
Ann Luginbuhl
Ann Matlack
Ann Reichelderfer
Ann Stewart
Ann Wheeler
Ann Witt
Anna Ginn
Anne Curtis
Anne Hayden
Anne LaBossiere
Anne Stanley
Anne Winchester
Anne Wunderli
Annette Waterman
Anthony Benedetti
Anthony Buxton
Arline Slote Davis
Arthur Bell and Robin Lin Hogskin
Arthur Boatin
Audrey Morris
Averil Fessenden
Baer Family Charitable
Barbara Alexander
Barbara Bell
Barbara Ford-Latty
Barbara Harrison
Barbara Howard
Barbara MacLeod
Barbara Parton
Barbara Vestal
Barbara Winterson and Stephen Shannon
Barbara Wolf
Belinda Pendleton
Ben Ellison
Ben Fuller
Ben Levek
Ben Peierls
Benjamin Crocker
Benjamin McAlexander
Benjamin W. Lund and Barbara A. Granville Family Fund
Bert Drake
Beth Labaugh
Beth Schuller
Betsey Foster
Betsy Fitzgerald
Betty Donlan
Betty Jespersen
Betty Welt
Beverly Quong
Beverly T. Roxby
Bill and Jane Diamond
Bill Grabin
Bill Knittle
Bill Lee
Bill Sprague
Bill Zoellick
Bob Duplessie
Bob Wuerthner
Bonita Rodden Charitable Fund
Brad and Anita Coupe
Brenda Cummings
Brenton Hill
Brett Amundsen
Brian and Leigh Walker
Brian Crowe
Brian Hannon
Brian Murphy
Brian Robinson
Brigitte Kingsbury
Bruce Andrews
Bruce Burnham
Bundy Boit
Burton Taylor
C N Beattie
Cain Family Fund
Caitlin Clark
Caitlin Marshall
Caleb and Jim Gerritsen
Carl Cramer
Carl Faulstick
Carl Leaman
Carl Little: In honor of Naomi Shalit and John Christie
Carl Perez
Carla Dickstein
Carlton Mills
Carol and Charlie Evans
Carol Ansheles
Carol Flynn
Carol Goodridge
Carol Herwig
Carole Aaron
Carole Cifrino
Caroline Andrews
Caroline Latta
Caroline M. Pryor and David MacDonald
Casey Kelly
Caterina Anderson
Catherine Cornell
Catherine Reising-Jones
Cecile Ferguson
Chalmers Hardenbergh
Charles Chandler
Charles Durfee
Charles McAlpin
Charles Spies
Cheryl Timberlake
Chris Hirsch
Chris Keefe
Chris Keegan
Christine and Michael Luce
Christine Robb
Christopher Hinshaw and Alaine Peaslee Hinshaw
Christos and Christine Gianopoulos
Cigale Ahlquist
Claire Tomlin
Clare and Lewis Payne
Clark Burbee
Colin Vettier
Connie Garber
Constance O’Brient
Corliss and Rick Davis
Corrine Adamowicz
Courtney Spencer
Craig Gaspard
Cristy Heckler
Critchfield Family Giving Account
Cynthia and Frank Koch
Cynthia Cushing
Cynthia Thielen
Daisy Dore
Dale Douglass
Damon Weston
Dan Bowers
Dan Boxer
Dan Faraone
Dana Rickman
Dana Wilde
Daniel Hester
Daniel Hunter
Daniel Loisel
Daniel Nelson
Danny Holt
Darrell and Lorette Adams
Dave Newbold and Maxine Hunter
David and June Vail
David and Liz Albertson Fund
David and Margaret Cook
David and Melinda Anderson
David Blocher
David Bloomfield
David Buck
David Damon
David Eaton
David Elliott
David Freedberg
David Hastings
David Kerr
David Kruschwitz
David Kuhns
David Larrabee
David Larsen
David Lyman
David Plavin
David Porter
David Schylling
David Sullins
David Zuk and Caroline Andrews
Davies Allan
Deb and Greg Fahy
Deb Cleveland
Deb Curtis and Ed Sims
Deb Matteson
Deborah Chapman
Deborah Deatrick
Deborah McDermott
Deborah Thompson
Deborah Twombly
Deborah Weyhe Kiley
Debra and David Stone
Denise Shomo
Derian Arts, Education and Conservation Charitble Trust
Dev Leon
Diana McCain and Stephen Smith
Diana Page
Diane Arbour
Diane Green Minor
Diane Labbe
Diane Nicholls
Diane Raymond
Diane Weinstein
Dianne Torresen
Dick and Carole Snyder
Dick Atlee
Dick Barnes and Suzanne VanWye
Don Kleiner
Don Michak
Donald Auten
Donald Kale
Donald Sprague
Donald Stanley
Donna Halvorsen
Donna Toth
Doris S Stockly
Doug Chamberlin
Doug Dunbar
Doug McCown
Douglas Bird
Douglas Macgown
Dr. Benjamin and Bonnie Lounsbury
Duke Marston
Dwight Hines
E. Lyle Flynn
Ed Lally
Ed Stevens
Edward Democracy
Edward Kelly
Edward L Kadunc
Edward Nolde
Eileen Griffin
Elaine Grant
Eleanor McGrath
Eleanor Tillinghast
Eleanor Weisman
Elenita Muniz
Eli Boesch Dining
Elin and Dave Poneman Fund
Elise Brown
Elise Hartill
Elise Thorsen
Elizabeth Barrett
Elizabeth Grant
Elizabeth Kopiwoda
Elizabeth Libby
Elizabeth Listowich
Elizabeth Parker
Elizabeth Schuller
Ellen Booraem
Ellen Bowman
Ellen Farnsworth
Ellen Randall
Elphie Owen
Emily Bader
Emily Beck
Emily Crowley
Enoch Wenstrom
Eric Buch
Eric Buck
Eric Tirrell
Eric Van Loon
Erica Smith
Erik Lund and Sandra Lynch
Erin Clancy
Ernest Gurney
Erno Bonebakker
Eva Sibinga
Evan Richert
Eve Anne Jamieson
Felicia Knight
Fred Bowers
Fred Knight
Fred Perry
Frederick Hewett
Gail Clinton
Gail Witherill
Gale Johnsen
Gary Friedmann
Gary Hardie
Gary Jacobson
Gayle Pickering
Geoffrey and Kathryn Precourt
George Conly
George Day
Gerald Brand
Gifford Ewing
Gillian and Ian Burnes
Glen Shaw
Gloria Williams Ladd and Lincoln Ladd
Grandview Fund
Greg Bush
Greg Rossel
Greg Spears
Gregory Stafford
Gretchen Gordon
Halsey Snow
Hamlyn and Judy Robbins
Hans Kuck
Harold and Marilyn McWilliams
Harper Moutal
Harry Harkins
Harvey Spears
Haydée Foreman
Heather McCargo
Hedrick Smith and Susan Zox
Helen and Austin Watts
Helen Elkins
Helen McDonald
Helene Maraghy
Henry Quinn
Henry Raup
Hildie Lipson and Dwain Young
Hildy Ellis
Holly Howes
Holly Mills
Holly Muson
Irene Reilly
Irving Faunce and Jan Collins
J Avila
J.W. Oliver
Jack Fles
Jacqueline Potter and William Black
Jacquelyn and Allen Cressy
Jacquelyn Lowe
James and Jean Matlack
James Beaudry
James Burnett and Alan Blum
James Carson
James Hitz
James Kossuth
James McKenna and Jane Orbeton
James Metcalfe
James Wilson
Jan and Jim Owen
Jan Carpenter
Jan Collins
Jana Lapoint
Jane and Donald Woodruff
Jane and Larry McDonnell
Jane and Stan Davis
Jane Conrad
Jane Covey
Jane Lawless
Janet and Richard Crane
Janet Dearborn
Janet Gold
Janet Henry and Vernon Moore
Janet Stowell
Janet Vaughan
Janet Weston
Janis Petzel
Jason Putnam
Jay Borden
Jay Fulton
Jay York
Jean Antonucci
Jean Feldeisen
Jean Hubbell
Jean MacRae
Jean Warren
Jeff Clements
Jeff Thaler and Karen Massey Giving Fund
Jeffrey Lovit
Jennifer Andrews
Jennifer DeJoy
Jerilyn Bowers
Jerry Bley
Jesse Devine
Jessica Chappell
Jessica Miller
Jetta Antonakos
Jill Knowles and Paul Sullivan
Jill Lambie
Jim Bishop and Joanna Young
Jim Damicis
Jim Landau
Jim Levis
Jim Littlefield
Jim Nyce
Jim Perkins and Theresa Kerchner
Jim Samuel
Jim Sitrick Jr
Jo Dondis and Peter Imber
Joan and Bruce Kidman
Joan and Robert Holmberg
Joan Rubel
JoAnn Locktov
Joanna Bentley
John and Alison Metcalfe
John and Davilynn Cowperthwaite
John and Judith Webster
John and Katie Greenman
John and Lili Ott
John Bastey
John Contreni
John Dodge
John Dorrer
John Fitzgerald
John Foley
John Gold
John Guarnaccia
John J Smith
John Jorgensen
John MacDonald
John Macone
John Marshall and Kathleen J Olsen
John Monroe
John Moss
John Pepi
John Rindlaub
John Sidelinger
John Slack
John Venskus
John Woodman
Jon Masin-Peters
Jonathan Aretakis
Jonathan Bachofen
Jonathan Bourne
Jonathan Condriet
Jonathan Hopkins
Jonathan Monro and Jill Bock
Jonathan Zeitler
Joseph Moore and Beth Chiquoine
Josephine Ireland
Joyce Walworth
Judith and Chuck Danielson
Judith Feinstein
Judith Fergin
Judith Moses
Judson Brown
Judy Spiller
Julia Schwerin
Karen Adam
Karen Carson
Karen Eger
Karen Flemion
Karen Foster and Philip Caper
Karen Heck
Karen Hollins
Karen Lukacs
Karen Luse
Karin Anderson
Kat Taylor
Kate Bradford
Kate Hanson
Kate Willeford
Katharine Turok
Katharine Wilder
Katherine Johnston
Katherine Placey
Kathleen Carpenter
Kathleen Gilsenan
Kathleen M Tarpo Fund
Kathleen Majka
Kathleen Sutton
Kathryn Adamsky
Kathryn Stephens
Kathy Moran
Kathy Wistar
Katrina Van Dusen
Katy Longley
Kay Greenwood
Kayda Selby
Keith and Michele Havey
Kelley Feeney
Kelly Bastone
Kelly Dionne
Ken and Sue Spalding
Kenneth Blanchard
Kenneth Colburn
Kenneth Elliott
Kenyon Bolton
Kevin and Catherine Carey
Kevin McKenna
Kevin Twine
Kim Jacobs
Kim Trumbull
Kyle Noble
Lane Sturtevant
Larry Knutson
Larry Prendergast
Laura Edwards
Laura Juraska and Richard Fochtmann
Laura Markham
Laura Pawle
Laura Sawyer
Lauren Swartzbaugh
Laurence Coe
Laurence Shiplett
Laurent and June Hourcle
Laurent Bogdanik
Laurie Robertson
Laurie Smith
Lawrence Dube
Lawrence Libby
Lee Burnett
Leigh and Cheryl Williamson Charitable Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Leigh Hallett
Lennart Lindegren
Leo Algeo
Lesley Lichko
Leslie Tidwell
Liam LaFountain
Linda Andrei
Linda Gould
Linda Johnson
Linda Tarlow
Linda Wales
Linda Washburn
Linda Whitcomb
Linnell Mather
Lisa and Roy Miller
Lisa Chesaux
Lisa Gamble
Lisa Marin
Lisa Schinhofen
Liv Rockefeller and Ken Shure
Liz and Robert McClane
Lizz Sinclair
Lois Marchand
Loraine Washburn
Loren Brown and Pamela Corcoran
Loren Wolsh
Lori Schrader
Louisa Barnhart
Louise Paquette
Lynette Owen
Lynn Heinz
Lynn Quincy
Lynn Rutledge
Lynne Church
M Jaye Liset-Lynch
M Smith
Maggie Atwood
Maggie Harling
Maggie Hoffman
Maggie Sapecky
Maine Climate Action Now
Makela Vogt Charitable Fund
Marc Restuccia
Marcel Vachon
Margaret Chadwick
Margaret Davis
Margaret Rosch
Margy Moremen
Maria Egger
Marianne McKinney and R. G. Randall
Marie McNeely
Marie Mire
Marie Ryan Brackett
Marilyn Dahl
Marilyn Dowling
Marilyn Ray
Marion and Daniel Foss
Marjorie Ogg
Marjorie Rosenbaum
Mark and Deb Felder
Mark and Janet Bloch
Mark Cartier
Mark Eyerman
Mark Feeley
Mark Stodder
Mark Young
Marlene McMullen-Pelsor
Marlin Martin
Martha Brill
Martha Claverie
Martha Dickinson
Martha Freeman
Martha Goodale
Martha Harmon
Martha Stewart
Martin Teitel
Martin Womer
Mary Auslander
Mary Coyne
Mary Dorchester
Mary Lourdes Dopart
Mary McFadden
Mary Nahf
Mary O’Brien
Mary Reichley
Mary Rousselot
Mary Spence
Mary Winchell
Matt Carroll
Matt Murphy
Matthew Dallett
Matthew Gruba
Matthew Tilley
Maureen Ingram
Maureen O’Keefe
Maynard Charron
Medora Van Denburgh
Meg Greene
Megan Hellstedt
Megan Ladd
Megan Walker
Meghan Duff
Melanie Frazek
Melissa Burdick
Melissa Lee
Melissa Paly
Meredith Strang Burgess
Meri and Lee Lowery
Merle Rockwell and Edward Modell
Micaela Schweitzer-Bluhm and Todd Bluhm
Michael and Nancy Tarpinian
Michael Bukowski-Thall
Michael Dixon
Michael Herz and Kate Josephs
Michael Jones and Judith Head
Michael Kamber
Michael Percy and Susan Snider
Michael Ripley
Michael Schiller
Michael Socolow
Michael Taylor
Michael Towey
Michele Bird
Michele Bois-Gilbody
Michelle and James Rines
Michelle Miller
Michelle Steinfeldt
Mike Hedge
Mimi Edmunds
Mitchell Baum
Molly Read
Molly Schen
Monica Wright
Mort and Barbara Mather
Nan Cobbey
Nan Katzenbach
Nancy Alexander
Nancy Crowell
Nancy Ellenberger
Nancy Ford
Nancy Galland
Nancy Gold
Nancy Holler
Nancy Marshall
Nancy Morrell
Nancy Noppa
Nancy Olney
Nancy Perkins
Nancy Reichenbach
Nancy Simpkins
Nicholas Gess
Nick Holt
Nick Lund
Nick Netos
Nikos Kavanya
Nina Jerome
Nina Scott Revocable Trust
Nora Irvine
Olga Lange
Oliver Jones
Owen Logue
Pam Gleichman
Pamela Giannatsis
Pamela Pease
Pat Robinson
Patricia Albison
Patricia Hubbard
Patricia Lerwick
Patricia Lundholm and Ted Johanson
Patricia Nobel
Patricia O’Toole
Patricia Phillips
Patricia Walchli
Patty and Michael Gustafson
Paul Drinan
Paul Sheridan
Paul Vinsel
Paul Womer and Abigail Van Doren
Paula Horvath
Paula Jacunski
Peaches Bass
Peg Lang
Peggy Siegle
Pepper Cwik
Peter and Eva McPheeters
Peter Arnold
Peter Benedetti
Peter Cole
Peter Jackson
Peter Johnson
Peter Kalajian
Peter McCormick
Peter McLaughlin
Peter Mills
Peter Mittenthal
Peter Pitegoff and Ann Casady
Peter Roderick
Peter Smith
Peter Taggart
Peter Wilde
Phil Kelly
Phil Lilienthal
Philip Davis
Philip Marshall
Philip Russell
Phyllis Bailey
Phyllis Capanna
Phyllis Yensan
Pinny Beebe-Center
R.C. McNeill Charitable Giving Fund
Rachel Tretchick Malcolm
Rachel Williams
Randall Huston
Randy Schnedler
Rebecca Stanley and Charles A. Jacobs
Rebecca Wentworth
Reginald Hammond
Rhonda Feiman and Petra Hall
Rich Hilsinger
Richard Akers
Richard and Joan Andren
Richard and Patricia Windecker
Richard Brenner
Richard Crouthamel
Richard Davis
Richard Diamond
Richard Fecteau
Richard Kessler
Richard McElroy
Richard Oliver
Rickey Celentano
Rik O’Neal
RMJ Stein Family Foundation
Rob Porter
Rob Somerville
Robert and Patricia Bernheim
Robert Adler
Robert and Nancy Earnest Giving Fund
Robert Chase
Robert Gershon
Robert Gott
Robert Howe
Robert Johansen
Robert Kohl
Robert Matin
Robert Morrison
Robert Teichman
Robert Wasserstrom
Robert Winchester
Robert Wood and Emme-King Peterson
Robin Brooks
Robin O’Connor
Robin Pinto
Robin Snyder-Drummond
Roger and Carol Pomerleau
Roger Heard
Ron Beard
Ron Kreisman and Roberta de Araujo
Ronald Pavelle
Ronie Strout
Rose Mendoza
Ross and Joanne Babcock
Roy Russell
Russell French
Russell Jabaut
Ruta Kadonoff
S. Paige Zeigler
Sally McGuire
Sally Swift
Sam Prout
Sandi Goolden
Sandra Hall Bourrie
Sara Hammond
Sarah Barron
Sarah Bixler
Sarah MacColl
Sasha Nyary
Scott Johnson
Sean Cooper
Sean Hoskins
Seth Berry
Shane Snowdon
Sharon Leavell
Sharon Tisher
Sharron Walsh
Shaye Robbins
Shelly King
Sherry Streeter
Sherryl Livingston
Shirley Hirst
Skip Aluisy
Solomon Goldman
Stacey Voigt
Starr Gilmartin
Stephanie Shipp
Stephanie Smith
Stephen Collins: In honor of John Christie and Naomi Schalit
Stephen Langsdorf and Jeanne Fitzgerald Langsdorf
Stephen Lunt and Kathie Leonard
Stephen O’Donnell
Stephen Patriquen
Stephen Perkins
Stephen Soucy
Steve Bien
Steve Plumb
Steven Barkan
Steven Fein
Steven Levy
Stewart Stewart
Stu McConnell
Sue Cross and Michael Steere
Sue Hawes
Sue Kistenmacher
Sue Sturtevant
Susan and Daniel Bonior
Susan Attwood
Susan Cook
Susan Emmet
Susan Gibbs
Susan Gross
Susan Guilford
Susan Hamill
Susan Hancock
Susan Martin
Susan Snider
Susan Stranahan
Suzannah Heard
Suzanne Brown
Suzanne Crowell
Syd Alberg
Sylvia Lambert
Tammalene Mitman
Teague Morris
Teresa Egan
Terry Heller
Terry Towne
The Arthur K. Nelson and Karen M. Nelson Family Revocable Trust
The Harvey Family
The Murray Charitable Trust
Theodore Bernard
Theodore Sirois
Thomas Bickford
Thomas Earley
Thomas Hartnett and Lisa Copenhaver
Thomas Millay
Thomas Rumpf
Thomas Walek
Thornton Lothrop
Timothy Lambert
Todd West
Tom and Diana Allen
Tom Bjorkman
Tom Hansen
Tom Kent
Tom Mikulka
Tom Mott
Tom Tedeschi
Tom White
Tre Bittner
Trickledown Trust
Tyche Hendricks
Victoria Lambert
Walter and Roberta Hanstein
Wayne Hobson
Wendy Chapkis
Wendy Gamble
Wendy Kellett
Wendy Pollock
Whitney Landon
Wilder Nicholson
Will Kochtitzky
William and Rita Nugent
William C. Clendaniel
William Lombardi
William MacDowell
William Ritchie
William Shain
Wilma Hendrick