2023 Supporters

The Maine Monitor is published by the 501(c)(3) nonprofit Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting. We rely on individual contributions, major gifts, corporate sponsorships, and foundation grants.

In 2023, donations and philanthropic grants from individuals and foundations accounted for 98% of our operating revenue. We are deeply grateful to each and every one of you whose generosity made it possible for us to undertake important investigations and to expand our news coverage to bring you more of the in-depth, impactful journalism you see here each week.

A graphic detailing the four donor tiers of The Maine Monitor newsroom. Those giving up to $250 per year are called Monitor Members. Those giving up to $500 are called public interest members. Those giving up to $1,000 are fearless members. Those giving over $1,000 are truthseeker members.

We are committed to transparency in every aspect of funding our organization. Accepting financial support does not mean we endorse donors or their products, services or opinions. Our news judgments are made independently — not based on or influenced by donors. Read our complete Donor Policy.

Thank you to our 2023 supporters:

Charitable Foundation Supporters

Arnold Ventures
Elmina B. Sewall Foundation
Emerson Collective
Fisher Charitable Foundation
Fund for Investigative Journalism
Institute for Nonprofit News / NewsMatch
Island Foundation
Maine Community Foundation
Maine Initiatives
Margaret E. Burnham Charitable Trust
Pulitzer Center
Report for America / GroundTruth
Sadie and Harry Davis Foundation
The Bingham Program
The William Sloane Jelin Foundation
University of Maryland College Park Foundation

Publisher Circle Members

Richard and Ann Bresnahan
Doug Warren and Pamela Berry

Truthseeker Members

Belvedere Charitable Trust Grantmaking Fund of the Maine Community Foundation
Helen Norton
Adam and Diana Lee
Coxe Family Fund
Jane and Frank Bragg
Point Harbor Fund of The Maine Community Foundation
Arete Foundation
Emily Barr and Scott Kane
The Minimoney Fund
Catherine Lee and Robert Moyer
Kennebec Savings Bank
Margot and Roger Milliken
Robert and Alene Gelbard
Catherine Downey
Leon Bresloff and Mary Bayer
Connie Sage Conner and Philip Conner
Paul Litvak and Kristen Cosby
Jay and Margo Davis
Elizabeth Stevens
Joan Leitzer and Kenneth Spirer
Katrina Pugh
Ezra James Briggs Family Fund
Jed Davis
Sanford and Susie Criner
John Boit
Rebecca Cooney
Clare Gross
Joyce Rumery
George Stevens Jr.

Fearless Members

Dara Jeanne Kaufman Fund of the Maine Community Foundation
Abigail Trafford
Caron and Egan Giving Fund
Christopher and Jennifer Boyer
Christopher Smart
Colin Baker and Elaine Cinciva
Cummings Family Fund
Harriette and Peter Griffin
Irene Schmidt
Joan Sturmthal
John and Linda Coleman
John Brown
Joseph Higdon and Ellen Sudow
Lawrence Sterrs
Matthew and Keiko Storin
Maxine R. Sclar Gift Fund
Pat Richardson
Penny Linn
Rachel and Ted McEnroe
Robert and Marcia Chaffee
Robert and Moira Fuller
Stephen Hindy
Stewart Newell
Robert Rivas
Pamela Maffei McCarthy
George and Cheryl Higgins
Gruverman Family Fund
Heather Weiss
Ruben Brown
Edward and Karen Rea
Hannah Wunderli
John Fitzpatrick
Bruce Roberts and Susan Feiner
Micaela Schweitzer-Bluhm and Todd Bluhm
Karen Young and Paul Robie
Bo Norris and Cathy Houlihan
Rachel Tretchick Malcolm
Robert Zeaske
Roger and Carol Pomerleau
Stephen and York-Chi Harder
Benno and Stephanie Friedman
Beth and Tom Burrage Giving Fund
Bill and Deborah Korol
Blackbaud Giving Fund and Autodesk Foundation
Brian and Meg Dietz
Brooklyn Community Foundation
Christopher Lyman
Cindy Lang, in honor of Lucinda Lang
Dave Huckabee
Denise Soucy
Greg and Caroline Sample
Janet Shenk
Jim and Lynn Shaffer
Joanne Omang
John and Carolyn Rosenblum
John and Janis Bell
Madeleine Corson
Nick Mills
Paul Kuehnert
Paula Silsby
Philip Taubman
Richard and Sue Buswell, in honor of Erica Buswell and Scott Giroux
Sally Zierden
The Stephen D. Poulos Fund
Whalen Charitable
Wick and Ruth Johnson
William Harwood and Ellen Alderman

Public Interest Members

David and Melinda Anderson
Ellen Clegg
Jim & Ann Goggin
Kem Edwards
David and Sue Offer
Dunlap Charitable Fund
Leslie Tidwell
Micca and Ben Wootten
Susan Edwards
Robert McIntire
Harold and Claudia Pachios
Roger Berle
Becky Bartovics
Denise Ventura
Ann Welsh
Elena Schmidt
Jeanne Bourgault
John W. and Jean K. Gulliver
Barbara Leonard and Daniel Marra
Cathy Landau-Painter
Craig Gray
David and Marilyn Ellwood
Edward and Judith Keenan
Eric Van Loon
Judith Gray
Lani Graham, in memory of Lois Galgay Reckitt
Marian L. McCue
Peter and Jean Ann Garrett
Ron Kreisman and Roberta de Araujo
Ross and Joanne Babcock
Susanne MacArthur and K.C. MacArthur III
David and June Vail
Jerry King
Sarah and Paul Strickland
David Foster
Sally Melcher-McKeagney
Thomas McClain
Duncan Schweitzer
Deborah Brooke
Edward Walworth MD
Alan and Kay Michka
Don Stanziano
Mary & Jim Hunter Parakilas
Richard Leavitt and Anne Gass
Sarah and Chris Tomalty
Susan Morris
Jim and Karen Simpson
Angelica Braestrup
Leslie Harvey III

Monitor Members

Alice’s Fund
Ann Luther and Alan Vlach
Charles and Kathleen Remmel
Charles Verrill
David Sewall
Eugene and Barbara Elrod Charitable Fund
Five Peaks Fund
Geoffrey Dawson
Greg Spears
Ineke Schair
Janet Heimlich
Jeff Norris
Johnson Legal LLC
Karen Tcheyan
Lawrence Libby
Nancy Reichenbach
Penobscot Bay Press
Peter Neill
Samantha Mortlock
Sandy Maisel and Patrice Franko
Sarah Rheault
Severin Beliveau
Sophie Cowan
Thomas Cox
Tux Turkel
Virginia & Peter Fleisher
Ben Levek
Sue Ellen Bordwell
Bruce Cole
David Larrabee
Davies Allan
Deirdre Strachan and Jose Mas
Donald Bresnahan
Holly Faubel
Kristen Rupert and John H. Foote
Renée Johansson
Thomas Kennon
Emily Hoechst
Jay Fischer
Judith Holden
David VonSeggern
Glenn Montgomery
Martha Claverie
Paul Sheridan
Peter Mills
Archibald and Linda Gillies
Bonita B. Rodden
Brad and Anita Coupe
Brian Walker
Cushman Anthony
David Solmitz
Deborah Chapman
Dr. Benjamin and Bonnie Lounsbury
Freda Bernotavicz
Hedrick Smith and Susan Zox
Janet McMahon
Jean MacRae
Kathleen M Tarpo Fund
Mitchell Stein
Molly Schen
Nat and Genie Wheelwright
Peter and Joan Beckerman
Rich Silkman
Rob Porter
Robert Shay
Tom Kent
John Venskus
Holly Howes
Laura McCandlish
Allison Luciano
Kathy Brandes
Robert Wasserstrom
Susan Emmet
Suzanne Aleman
Dick Barnes and Suzanne VanWye
Donald and Paula Moore
Johanna Johannson
Caroline Andrews
Gerald and Charlene Petruccelli
Sally Beaudette
Peter Argue
Ally Keppel
Colin Vettier
Frank D’Alessandro
Marion and Daniel Foss
Elise Thorsen
Don Michak
Bryan Carey
Catherine Cornell
Les Coleman
Matt Carroll
Maurice Dulac
Mike Carey
Nancy Bellhouse May
Ellen Bowman
Michael Socolow
Wayne Hobson
Milt Lauenstein
Jonathan Bachofen
Reid Birdsall
Anne Coughlin
Sherryl Livingston
Susan Stranahan
Cary Slocum and Glenn Montgomery
Cathy Oehmke
Charles McAlpin
Corliss and Rick Davis
Dana Murch
Deb Cleveland
Eric Johnson
Joan Kidman
John Rindlaub
Judy Stein
Lisa Thomas
Natalie West and Rob Sellin
R.C. McNeill Charitable Giving Fund
Rose Lundy
Sherry Streeter
Stephen Lunt
Steven Buchsbaum
Theodore Sirois
Robert Kohl
Richard Fecteau
Seth Berry
Paula Jacunski
Deb and Greg Fahy
Nina Scott Revocable Trust
Tom Goettel
Deborah Burt
Jane and Stan Davis
Julie Rafferty
Laura and Ed Waller
William Carito
Suzannah Heard
Robert Stevens and Kathleen Sullivan
Andrew Lardie
Carl Cramer
Doug Chamberlin
Erik Nelson
Hook Wheeler
Janis Petzel
Jennifer Andrews
Karin Anderson
Barbara Bell
Bert Drake
Cheryl Timberlake
David and Triss Critchfield
David Bliss
Emily Breitner
Janet Weston
Joan Wright
Lisa and Roy Miller
Robert Neilson
Sydney and Deborah Sewall
Robert Howe
C. T. Wrubel
Courtney Spencer
Daniel Nelson
Ron Beard
Steve Hart
Carol Lukas
Danny Holt
Daniel Loisel
Elizabeth Listowich
Elizabeth Barrett
Maryelise Lamet
Medora Van Denburgh
Peter Stowell
Nancy Ford
Roger Heard
Alice Rohman
Alison Gagliardi
Amanda Cooley
Averil Fessenden
Brendan McCarthy
Dave Canarie
David Elliott
Deborah Deatrick
Dianne Torresen
Ellen Booraem
Eric Buck
Fred Field
James Carson
James Nash
Jameson McBride
John Slack
Lillian Kerr Haversat
Livka Farrell
Lynn Boulger and Tim Garrity
Massie Ritsch
Megan Ladd
Rick Rector
Rozanna Patane
Ruta Kadonoff
Susan Korthals
Thomas Haible
Tyche Hendricks
Jim Sitrick Jr
Luke Shorty
James Wilson
Judy Spiller
Michael Montgomery
Pat Robinson
Ann Anesta
Alexander and Kathi Wall
Andrew Glassberg
Andrew Lackoff
Baer Family Charitable
Ben Lund and Barbara Granville
Bill and Andrea Nemitz
Bundy Boit
Cain Family Fund
Cal Mackenzie
Carol Ansheles
Caroline Curtis
Cathy Coffman
Dale Douglass
Damon Weston
David Zachow and Annie Guppy
Donna Halvorsen
Douglas Rooks
Eiv Boe
Elin and Dave Poneman
Erik Lund
Geoffrey Bird
George Borowsky
Gregory Locsin
Helen and Austin Watts
Henry Raup
James Paterson
Jared Hirshfield
Jeanne and Paul Klainer
Jeff Thaler and Karen Massey
Jill Lambie
Joan and Robert Holmberg
John and Lili Ott
John Guarnaccia
John Rosenwald
Jonathan Beal
Joseph Moore and Beth Chiquoine
Joseph Pearl
Judith Danielson
Judith ODell
Karen Hollins
Kimball and Jean Warren
Laura Pawle
Leigh and Cheryl Williamson Charitable Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Leo Algeo
Lisa Gamble
Louise Kieffer
Mark Cartier
Martin Teitel
Mary Maffei
Mason and Margaret Morfit
Melanie Cutler
Merle Rockwell
Michael Jones and Judith Head
Mike Hedge
Naomi Schalit
Patricia Duffy
Patricia Lundholm
Paul Womer and Abigail Van Doren
Peter and Eva McPheeters
Peter McCormick
Peter Mendall
Philip Lelienthal
Philip Marshall
Phoebe Edwards
R Scott Hanson, MD
Richard Barringer and Martha Freeman
Richard Barry
Robert and Nancy Earnest Giving Fund
Robert and Stephanie Nelson
Robert Jensen
Robert Wood and Emme-King Peterson
Ross Furman
Sam Prout
Samael Otterson
Sarah Cushman
Sheila Kirby
Susan and Michael Bates
Susan Gibbs
Susan Graham
Susan Gross
Suzan Steer
The S and K Family Fund
Thomas Bickford
Thomas Spear
Tracy Bodine and John Pickering
Vic Maccallum
Wendy Pollock
Mock-Parker Charitable Fund
Deborah McDermott
Michael Kamber
Will Kochtitzky
Mark Feeley
David Boyer
Ed Lally
Allen Steele
D Gordon Mott
Diana Page
Gretchen Gordon
Martha Goodale
Ann Wheeler
David Damon
Adrian Zelazny
Andrew Coburn
Anthony Buxton
Benjamin Crocker
Bill Austin
Carl Leaman
David Bloomfield
David Plavin
Elaine Albert
Elizabeth Eames
Elizabeth Libby
Elizabeth Schuller
Eric Aldrich
Frances Belford
Frances Fitzgerald and Jim Sterba
Hannah Pingree
Jim Damicis
John Gilliland
Karen Stram
Katherine Jans
Kimberly Siebert
Kyle Morrison
Larry Prendergast
Lee Umphrey
Nicholas Gess
Oliver Jones
Pamela Giannatsis
Richard Oliver
Robert Morrison
Simon Rucker
Suzanne Ritter
Tom Mikulka
Wendy Gamble
Susan Millett
Todd West
Elenita Muniz
Alec Stais
Andrea Reilly
Ann Luginbuhl
Barbara Howard
Barbara Vestal
Belinda Pendleton
Bertram Stocker
Betty Robinson
Bill and Jane Diamond
Brian Naylor
Bruce Bourgoine
Carla Trott Lejade
Carter Friend
Catherine Carey
Charlie Beck
Charlotte Henderson
Cliff Singer
Daniel Hester
Daniel Whittle
Dave Newbold
David Smith
Debra Boxer
Debra Stone
Don Gow, Jr.
E Scott Dow
Edwin Lightner
Eileen Griffin
Eleanor McGrath
Eli Cabanas
Ellen Gaulkin
Ellie Daniels
Eric Hanin
Gail Clinton
Gary Friedmann
Gretchen Welch
Heinrich Wurm
Helene Ragovin-James
Hellmut Bitterauf
Ina Hollins
James McKenna
James Weiss
Jane Makela and John Vogt
Janet Edmunson
Jason Putnam
Jim and Ellie Schneid
Jim Field
John and Betsy Hewlett
John Greenman
Jonathan Hopkins
Joseph Baldacci
Judith and John Bielecki
Julia Taberman
Kathleen Gilsenan
Kathy Olsen
Katy Longley
Keith and Michele Havey
Kelly Barbee
Laura Edwards
laurie robertson
Lawrence and Elizabeth Estey
Liam LaFountain
Linda Beaulieu
Linda Washburn
Louise Janelle
Lynette Owen
Maine Climate Action Now
Mary Dorchester
Mary Dunn
Matthew Miner
Michael Schiller
Millicent Curran
Nancy Holler
Nancy Peckenham
Nancy Perkins
Ned Claxton
Nick Poulton
Paul Karoff
Peter Collins
Philip Yunger
Ralph Duquette
Ramond Arsenault
Randall Curtis
Rebecca Rosen
Rebecca Stanley and Charles A. Jacobs
Richard Connelly
Richard Kessler
Richard Tozier and Carol Gillette
Robin Pinto
Roger Katz
Ronald McKinnon
Ronald Pavelle
Roxanne Baker
Sara Kilbride Johnson
Skip Aluisy
Starr Gilmartin
Stephen Collins and Candace Hill
Steve Bien
Steve Plumb
Sue Bonior
Susan Guilford
Susan Siegler
Thomas Earley
Troy Moon
Virginia Ketcham
Virginia Wright
Caroline M. Pryor and David MacDonald
Karen Foster and Philip Caper
Michael Putzel
Stephen Patriquen
Deborah Weyhe Kiley
Loren Wolsh
Liz Jenkins
William Lee
Carl Little
Dan Faraone
Margie Lutz
Martha Gottlieb
Robert Arledge
Dana Wilde
Jennifer West
Rob Somerville
Maggie Hoffman
Deborah J Henderson
Anne Hayden
Betty Jespersen
Brenda Cummings
Brett Amundsen
Carol Cahill
Cheryl Claiborne
David Blocher
David Larsen
David Seybold
Donna Parkinson
Elizabeth Koopman
Fred Perry
Geoffrey Young
George Marnik
Janet Vaughan
Janine Pineo
Jennifer Bristol
Jessica Reilly-Moman
John Gold
Leola Roberts
Marilyn Dahl
Matt DeRienzo
Melissa Arndt
Michael Dixon
Nancy Heiser
Nancy Hudak
Nancy White
Nora Irvine
Robert Chieffo
Robert Jenkins
Robert Johansen
Sam Cady
Sara Hammond
Stephen Soucy
Steve Smith
Tom Keller
William Lombardi
Alice Bissell
Allan and Linda Currie
Andrew Foster
Andrew McAuliff
Andrew Stevenson
Andy and Susie Tolman
Anne Winchester
Barbara MacLeod
Barry Hoffman
Bill Grabin
Bob Mullen Mullen
Brian Lavoie
Brigitte Kingsbury
Bruce MacDonald
Carole Aaron
Catherine and Richard Cyr
Chalmers Hardenbergh
Christine Letcher
Daisy Dore
Diane Raymond
Don Kleiner
Dona Cuppett
Ed Sims
Eileen Drummond
Elizabeth Choate
Elizabeth Kopiwoda
Eugene Ehlers
Everett B Carson and Dana Porter Carson
Geoffrey and Kathryn Precourt
Gordon and Roberta Weil
Greg Sample
Inga Sandvoss Browne
Jacquelyn Lowe
Jane McDonnell
Janice Bureau
Janice Thompson
Jean Bookman
Jean Hubbell
Jo Dondis and Peter Imber
Jo Saffeir
Joan Lowden
Joan Ray
John Marshall
John Perry
Judith Feinstein
Laura Markham
Laura Sawyer
Laurent and June Hourcle
Linnell Mather
Madeline Fried
Margaret Cook
Mary Gillies
Mary Kaminsky
Matthew Tilley
Molly Read
Nancy Noppa
Nicholas Benfaremo
Nina Lowe
Olaf Elander
Pam and Bruce Bell
Patricia Hubbard
Patricia Walchli
Peter Jackson
Philip Davis
Rachel Hovel
Regina Grabrovac
Remy Jurenas
Richard and Deborah Woodbury Charitable Gift Fund
Richard McElroy
Robert A. Moore
Robert Pring
S. Paige Zeigler
Sabin Hutchins
Sandra Merrick
Sharon Bouchard
Steve Chizmas
Susan Farrar
Susan Snider
Ted Helberg and Kim Lindlof
The Murray Charitable Trust
Theodore Bernard
Valencia Libby
William C. Clendaniel
Wilma Hendrick
Elizabeth Solet
Michelle Miller
Doug Dunbar
David Lyman
Betsey Foster
Elizabeth Stothart
Mark Woodruff
Whitney Landon
Brian Robinson
Claire Holman
Douglas Hylan
Fred Muehter
Jonathan Davie
Lois Marchand
Mark and Janet Bloch
Meredith Hall
Sharman Ballantine
Sharon Treat
Susan Attwood
Deb Felder
Jim Perkins and Theresa Kerchner
John Epstein
Susan M Gallant
Robert Adler
Andrew Marsters
Dick and Carole Snyder
Elizabeth Parker
Jim Bishop
Rhea Monroe
Wendy Flaschner
Maynard Charron
Rik O’Neal
Carlton Mills
David Lyon
Eric Columber
Jennifer Libsack
Mary Auslander
Mary Spence
William MacDowell
Barton Emanuel
Cathryn Marquez
Christine Saucier
Elizabeth Sprague
Eunice Mahler
Evan Kuehnert
J.W. Oliver
James and Nancy Jurdak
Kim Yesis
Leslie Lowry
Loren Wright
Mariah Williams
Marilyn Ray
Mike Roylos
Patricia FitzGerald
Peter Brann
Peter Goldman
Peter Katzenbach
Peter Wilde
Phyllis Yensan
Richard Diamond
Richard Kane
Roberta Gray
Ronald Petty
Steven Fein
Sue Hawes
Timothy Follo
Owen Logue
Anita B Jones
Ann Witt
Bob Duplessie
Brendan J Whittaker
Bruce Burnham
Caroline Latta
Charles Gale
Chris Farr
Cynthia Koch
David & Linda Souers
David Twomey
Dayle Owen
Deb Matteson
Denise Rule
Don Nicoll
Douglas Struck
Elizabeth Wisler
Erika Neumann
Frances Jennings
Fred Nehring
Gale Johnsen
Gary Jacobson
Georgia Howe
Heather Spalding and Will Sugg
James and Jean Matlack
Jason Cote
Jen & Colin Hickey
Jerry Bley
Kara Potter
Karen Burnett
Kayda Selby
Lawrence Dube
Lizz Sinclair
Lois-Ann Kuntz
Lydia Bendas
Mary Aaskov
Mary Winchell
Maureen O’Keefe
Michael Bukowski-Thall
Michael Trombley
Monica Morris
Ned Worcester
Olga Lange
Peter Arnold
Sandy Ellsworth
Scott Campbell
Steve O’Keefe
Sue Righthand
Susan Nadeau
Terry Towne
Tom Knobloch
Jim Nesbitt
Jon Masin-Peters
Constance OBrient
Ellie Wolfe
Paula Horvath
Richard Lauck and Nancy Gilbert
Brenton Hill
Christian MilNeil
Cynthia Peoples
Eli Boesch Dining
Harborview Service
John Bastey
Karen Kimball
Kristin Coon
Phil Bailey
Pinny Beebe-Center
Robert Hodges
Brian Hannon
Judith Rawlings
Robert Carolla
Harvey Spears
John Sidelinger
Kelley Hashey
Marlin Martin
Robert Weimont
Shannon Baker-Branstette
Linda Wales
Margery Gruber
Andrea Atwater
Anne Beal
David Baxter
Jonathan Aretakis
Josilyn Mork
Leslie Gregory
Linda Andrei
Linda Whitcomb
Loren Brown and Pamela Corcoran
Mark Felder
Martin Womer
Solomon Goldman
Wendy Chapkis
Amelia Metcalfe
Chris Hirsch
Joanne Emus
John Armbruster
Leah Taylor
Stu McConnell
Daniel Baker
Donald Sprague
Hans Kuck
Susan Manning
Eric Fernandez