Roger McCord

45 posts
Roger McCord has had a wide-ranging career in journalism, spanning the gamut from writing/reporting to daily news photography to working on various news desks as an editor. The most recent incarnation is in video production – usually brief features and mini-documentaries in and about Maine.
Nicole Gibbons sits with her seeing eye dog.

Chasing Maine: The Lifesaver

As a nurse, Nicole Gibbons often deals with life-saving situations. But in the last year she's had to deal with two life-or-death situations outside of work.
A man climbs up the length of a rocket to inspect the rock ahead of its launch.

Chasing Maine: The Rocketeers

Brunswick-based bluShift Aerospace battles winter weather as it looks to make a first-ever rocket launch at Loring Air Force Base in Limestone.
The Maine Monitor has five newsletters to keep you informed about Maine.