Contact the newsroom

As a nonprofit newsroom, we value hearing from our readers and donors. This contact form can be used for general inquiries to The Maine Monitor, to provide feedback about the newsroom’s operations and journalism, to submit a story idea the newsroom’s reporters should check into, or to report an error with our reporting.

Story Ideas: You can send us your tip anonymously, or provide us a way to contact you. Many of our stories have been based on tips and suggestions from readers. The Monitor occasionally receives tips from anonymous sources. These are vetted and researched in the same manner as any news tip. If you have documentation you’d like to submit for a potential news story, email or mail to: P.O. Box 284 Hallowell, ME 04347.

Corrections: We do our best to ensure the accuracy of everything we publish, but we’re not perfect. If we learn of an error in a story, we’ll correct it promptly and indicate that the story was changed by appending a correction note to the bottom with the time and date that we issued the correction. If you believe there’s an error in our reporting, please fill out the form and we’ll be in touch. View our complete editorial ethics policy.

While contact form submissions are routed to all members of the newsroom, you may also reach out directly to an individual by locating their email address in our directory of staff and contributors or our directory of board members.

None of the fields in this form are required, nor tracked by The Maine Monitor.