Support public service journalism for everyone
The Maine Monitor provides people across Maine with free access to the in-depth, nonpartisan news they deserve. Our reporting fills vital information needs left as Maine’s legacy news organizations cut newsroom positions — particularly investigative reporting.
Our reporters investigate and research stories that are not being reported elsewhere and their reporting informs community discussions, individual decisions, and legislative deliberations.
Our membership benefits

If you prefer, you can mail a check to The Maine Monitor to P.O. Box 284 Hallowell, ME 04347. To contribute through a charitable fund, please use Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting (EIN 27-2623867).
If you have any questions about your donation or membership please reach out to development officer Amelia Metcalfe at donations@themainemonitor.org.

Support public service journalism for everyone
The Maine Monitor provides people across Maine with free access to the in-depth, nonpartisan news they deserve.
Our reporting fills vital information needs left as Maine’s legacy news organizations cut newsroom positions — particularly investigative reporting.
Our reporters investigate and research stories that are not being reported elsewhere and their reporting informs community discussions, individual decisions, and legislative deliberations.
Our membership benefits

If you prefer, you can mail a check to The Maine Monitor to P.O. Box 284 Hallowell, ME 04347. To contribute through a charitable fund, please use Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting (EIN 27-2623867).
If you have any questions about your donation or membership please reach out to development officer Amelia Metcalfe at donations@themainemonitor.org.