How to register, determine where to go, see what’s on your ballot, and more:
Registering to vote: Register to vote online; by mail; in person at your town office, city hall, or a BMV branch; or at the polls with same-day voter registration. We’ve included some deadlines below, but there is no cut-off date for registering to vote in person at your municipal office, and you can do so at your poll site on Election Day. When you register for the first time in Maine you’ll need to bring documentation that proves you live here.
Where to vote and what’s on your ballot: Look up your poll location and see the candidates that will appear on your ballot.
Absentee ballots: Anyone can request an absentee ballot, no specific reason needed. Accessible absentee ballots are available for voters with disabilities. Ongoing absentee ballots are available to voters who will be at least 65 by the next election or who have a disability. A voter who qualifies will automatically receive an absentee ballot for each election going forward.
Help out at the polls: Sign up to serve as a poll worker by contacting your municipal office.
Semi-open primaries: As of January 1, 2024, Maine has semi-open primaries, meaning voters who are not enrolled in a particular party can vote in the primary of their choice. Voters who are enrolled in a party may only vote in that party’s primary.
Ranked-choice voting: Maine uses ranked-choice voting for federal races in the primary and general election, and for state races in the primary. Portland and Westbrook also use ranked-choice voting for local offices.
Money in politics: Search contributions to candidates, officials and political committees.
Key dates: The state primary is June 11; the general election is November 5. Here are a few more dates to know:
• May 13 — June 6: In-person absentee voting for the state primary.
• May 21: Deadline to register to vote in the June primary if registering by mail or online.
• May 24: Deadline to withdraw or change party enrollment for the June primary.
• June 4: Deadline to complete voter registration through the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
• June 6: Deadline to request absentee ballots from a municipal clerk.
• June 11: State primary election.
• October 7 — October 31: In-person absentee voting for the general election.
• October 15: Deadline to register to vote in the general election if registering by mail or online.
• October 29: Deadline to complete voter registration through the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
• November 2: Deadline to request absentee ballots from a municipal clerk.
• November 5: General election.
Questions: Ask the The Monitor newsroom — we’d love to hear from you. Or contact your municipal clerk.
Stay in the know: For more elections news, sign up for our newsletters or check out our elections hub.