Become a Maine Monitor Member
By becoming a member of The Maine Monitor, you ensure our reporters keep digging, analyzing, and reporting for you.
To bring you their investigative reports, our reporters work on stories for weeks, sometimes months.
Member support helps us deliberately plan for this in-depth journalism and bring you the news you deserve throughout the year.

Monitor Giving Circles
Circle members provide sustainable support with three-year commitments to fund our newsroom. Members receive all of the Truthseeker benefits.
Advocate Circle: $1,000/year for three years
Defender Circle: $2,500/year for three years
Leader Circle: $5,000/year for three years
Publisher Circle: $10,000/year for three years
Planned Giving
Would you like to give the gift of independent news for Maine in a lasting way? To find out how you can include The Maine Monitor in your estate planning, please contact development officer Amelia Metcalfe at
Ways to Give
By mail: You can mail a check to The Maine Monitor to P.O. Box 284 Hallowell, ME 04347.
Charitable Fund: To contribute through a charitable fund, please use Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting (EIN 27-2623867).
Gift of Stocks: Email development officer Amelia Metcalfe at to learn about how you can support The Maine Monitor with a gift of stocks or bonds.
At The Maine Monitor, we want to engage with you — our readers and supporters — in events that deepen the discussion around the issues explored in our reporting.
Check out our schedule of upcoming events and feel free to reach out to us with additional event opportunities for our newsroom!