Maine State House District 102


This district serves the communities of Freeport.

A map showing which communities are in this legislative district.

There are 6,914 actively registered voters within this district:


Melanie Sachs, a Democrat from Freeport. Rep. Sachs is a social worker and has served in the state legislature since being elected in November 2020.

headshot of Melanie Sachs.

Rep. Sachs has been a licensed clinical social worker for more than 25 years, with a focus on health and mental health care. She led Freeport Community Services as executive director for many years, providing direct services to Freeport and Pownal residents. She also served as the executive director of Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine, working with those affected by violence across York and Cumberland Counties.

At the local level, Rep. Sachs served six years on the Freeport Town Council, where she was elected twice to serve as chair and once to serve as vice-chair. In the summer of 2019, she chaired the Freeport Working Group to Welcome New Mainers. She is also an appointed member of the Building, Infrastructure and Housing Working Group on the Maine Climate Council.

Rep. Sachs has also been deeply involved in the classrooms and programs of local schools, volunteering and coaching students from every town in the school district. She has been committed to directly working with many community organizations, including the Freeport Rotary, the Arts and Cultural Alliance of Freeport, Freeport Players and Freeport Family Performing Arts.

Rep. Sachs serves as chairwoman of the appropriations and financial affairs committee which covers General Fund appropriations and general fiscal policy; federal funds allocations, special revenue and block grant allocations when part of a biennial or supplemental budget; Budget Stabilization Fund; general obligation bond issues; collective bargaining funding; budgeting methodologies; review of financial orders; and financial evaluation of agencies of state government.

Information for this lawmaker’s biography has been compiled from numerous public sources, including pages maintained by political parties, individual lawmakers and the Maine Legislature.

Contact this lawmaker: or 207-299-6825


This seat is on the ballot during the 2024 election cycle. Running for the seat are Melanie Sachs (D) and James Finegan Jr (R).

View contributions to each candidate, campaign expenditures and campaign filings on the Maine Ethics Commission website.

On Election Night in November, this section will also feature live results for this race.


The following chart is a compilation of legislation sponsored by Rep. Sachs during the 131st Legislature. To learn more about each legislation and see where it is in the legislative process, click on the bill ID in the first column. View each vote cast by Rep. Sachs.

For those viewing this page on mobile, you can view more columns by scrolling left-to-right through the embedded table. That same material is available by clicking the Bill ID.

AI Disclosure: The bill summaries appearing below have been generated by Claude Haiku, an Artificial Intelligence model from Anthropic, which describes itself as an AI safety and research company. BillTrack50, which has compiled the summaries, has extensively tested the accuracy of the information but does not guarantee that every summary is completely accurate and comprehensive. You should always read and rely on the bill text that is provided by the Maine Legislature, which is accessible by clicking on the Bill ID in the table. (A button to flag AI-generated errors to the BillTrack50 team is available on each bill page.) We encourage readers to view our ethics policy, which includes our policy on the newsroom’s use of AI.

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