This district serves the community of Lewiston.

There are 21,553 actively registered voters within this district:
Margaret “Peggy” Rotundo, a Democrat from Lewiston. Sen. Rotundo has recently served in the state legislature since being elected in November 2022. She also served in the Senate from 2001-2008 and in the House from 2009-2016.

While in the Legislature, Sen. Rotundo has been appointed to statewide commissions to study tax reform, ways to increase the number of students pursuing post-secondary education, state policy around rail transport, freedom of information issues, Native American tribal issues and state budget reform. She also represented Maine on the Education Commission of the States.
In 1995, Sen. Rotundo helped found the Center for Service-Learning at Bates College, a nationally recognized program that connects Bates students to the community through service. She is actively involved in her community, has served on a variety of boards, including the Androscoggin Chamber of Commerce and LA Arts. Sen. Rotundo was a founding member and co-chair of the Lewiston Aspirations Partnership with L.L. Bean, and served on the steering committee to establish the Lewiston-Auburn Youth Lacrosse Program in 1996 and Pettingill School Park in Lewiston. She was also a founding member and former president of the Lewiston Education Fund.
In 1993, she was elected to the Lewiston School Committee, which she chaired for four years. Recognizing the importance of early education, she became active in the Head Start program, serving for many years as a board member. As a past president and the first vice president of the Maine School Boards Association, she traveled extensively across the state and around the country speaking as a volunteer on behalf of public education and advocating for the educational needs of Maine’s children. She has also served on the board of the Maine Compact for Higher Education and on the Board of Trustees of the University of Maine System.
Sen. Rotundo serves on the Senatorial vote committee and as chairwoman of the appropriations and financial affairs committee.
The Senatorial vote committee is created by a Senate Order on the first day of session. It states, that a committee of seven be appointed by the President to which the returns of votes for senators for the political years of 2025 and 2026 shall be referred for examination and report. This committee deals with matters relating to any senate elections.
The appropriations and financial affairs committee covers General Fund appropriations and general fiscal policy; federal funds allocations, special revenue and block grant allocations when part of a biennial or supplemental budget; Budget Stabilization Fund; general obligation bond issues; collective bargaining funding; budgeting methodologies; review of financial orders; and financial evaluation of agencies of state government.
Information for this lawmaker’s biography has been compiled from numerous public sources, including pages maintained by political parties, individual lawmakers and the Maine Legislature.
Contact this lawmaker: or 207-784-3259
This seat was on the ballot during the 2024 election cycle. Running for the seat was Margaret Rotundo (D).
View contributions to each candidate, campaign expenditures and campaign filings on the Maine Ethics Commission website.
The following chart is a compilation of legislation sponsored by Sen. Rotundo during the 132nd Legislature. To learn more about each legislation and see where it is in the legislative process, click on the bill ID in the first column. View each vote cast by Sen. Rotundo.
For those viewing this page on mobile, you can view more columns by scrolling left-to-right through the embedded table. That same material is available by clicking the Bill ID.
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