Opinion Opinion pieces advocate for ideas and draw conclusions based on the interpretation of facts and data.

Robert Einhorn discusses future of nuclear-armed states

A senior fellow at Brookings, Einhorn has spent his career focused on arms control and nonproliferation.
Logo for the Midcoast Forum on Foreign Relations.
The Maine Monitor periodically publishes recordings of talks hosted by the Midcoast Forum on Foreign Relations.

The Midcoast Forum on Foreign Relations recently hosted Robert Einhorn, the former U.S. Department of State special advisor for nonproliferation and arms control, to talk about whether we are heading toward a world with many nuclear-armed states.

Einhorn is a senior fellow in the Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Initiative and the Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology at the Brookings Institution.

The Midcoast Forum on Foreign Relations, founded in 1983, seeks to promote the study of U.S. foreign policy through speakers, discussion groups and the production of relevant materials.

headshot of robert einhorn.
Robert Einhorn

At Brookings, Einhorn focuses on arms control, nonproliferation and regional security issues, and U.S. nuclear weapons policies and programs.

He has served as the U.S. Department of State special advisor for nonproliferation and arms control, assistant secretary of state for nonproliferation, deputy assistant secretary of state for political-military affairs, and in various roles with the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.

Listen to the talk: Midcoast Forum, Robert Einhorn.

Those interested in learning more about the forum can visit midcoastforum.orgThe Maine Monitor periodically shares recordings of talks hosted by the forum.


Midcoast Forum on Foreign Relations

The Mid-Coast Forum on Foreign Relations seeks to promote study and discussion of the development, formulation, and implementation of United States foreign policies by means of a program of speakers, the organization of discussion and study groups, and the production and distribution of relevant materials.

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