Type of Work Label Glossary

As part of our partnership with The Trust ProjectThe Maine Monitor applies a label to each piece of work the newsroom publishes to ensure our readers are clear about what type of content they are viewing.

Below are the definitions for each label we use. These labels and definitions also appear above the headline for each story and in the descriptions of our audio and video content.

Should you have any questions about these labels, or believe a piece of content was not labeled appropriately, please fill out our contact form and we will be in touch with you.

Analysis: This piece is based on factual reporting, incorporates the expertise of the journalist and may offer interpretations and conclusions.

Behind the Story: This piece describes why and how a particular story, or related set of stories, was reported.

Community Announcement: This piece contains information that was supplied externally; not impartial, fact-checked journalism.

Enterprise: This piece is an in-depth examination of a single subject requiring extensive research and resources.

Explainer: This piece is designed to provide context or background, definition and detail on a specific topic.

Help us report: This piece is asking for input, insights, clarifications, anecdotes, documentation, etc. to help us in our reporting process.

Interview: This type of content helps the public get to know a person or an issue. Usually one-sided and only lightly edited or fact-checked, with no response provided.

Investigative: This piece is an in-depth examination of a single subject requiring extensive research and resources.

News: This is a news story based on facts, either observed and verified firsthand by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources.

News Service: This piece has been produced externally by an organization we trust to adhere to high journalistic standards.

Opinion: Opinion pieces advocate for ideas and draw conclusions based on the interpretation of facts and data.

Q&A: This type of content helps the public get to know a person or an issue. Usually one-sided and only lightly edited or fact-checked, with no response provided.

Supported By: This piece has been independently produced by our journalist(s) with financial support from an entity that did not approve or review the work.