Chasing Maine: The Messenger

Rhiannon Pelletier-Guerrette, a principal ballerina with the Maine State Ballet, uses her athleticism to convey stories of love, conflict and struggle on stage.
a ballerina performing
Photo by Roger McCord

Chasing Maine is a biweekly video series that explores Maine from a distinct visual perspective. Join veteran Maine journalist and storyteller Roger McCord as he chases the people, places and things that define the unique character of the Pine Tree State.


Roger McCord

Roger McCord has had a wide-ranging career in journalism, spanning the gamut from writing/reporting to daily news photography to working on various news desks as an editor. The most recent incarnation is in video production – usually brief features and mini-documentaries in and about Maine.
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graphic detailing drought conditions across maine

Severe drought sparks emergency federal farm loans

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Route 1 in Lincolnville flooded

Stormy forecast: Preparing Maine for climate-fueled winds and flooding

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