Analysis This piece is based on factual reporting, incorporates the expertise of the journalist and may offer interpretations and conclusions.

These are the highest paid state of Maine employees

The highest paid made $320,000, and there were 10 employees who made more than $200,000.
A photo of the State of Maine flag.
Photo via Fry1989/Wikimedia.

The Maine Monitor has compiled the salaries of state of Maine employees for 2021. We listed the employees who earned more than $100,000 in base salary, using data provided by the state of Maine.

View data for University of Maine System employees by viewing our story: These are the highest paid University of Maine System employees.

The dataset below is scrollable and searchable, and allows you to search the data.

Note: Some state employees receive funds for dental insurance, health insurance, life insurance and retirement contributions. Those figures are not in this dataset.


Xiaoxi Ma

Xiaoxi Ma is a second-year journalism graduate student at Northeastern University with a focus on data, data visualization and interactive storytelling.

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These are the highest paid University of Maine System employees

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