Mainers trekked to the polls on Nov. 4, 2014, and our newsroom helped them be an informed voter by examining the influence of money during the 2014 election cycle, including political action committee spending and an examination of where 10 wealthy Mainers were cumulatively contributing nearly $4 million.
Such a deal
The LePage Inaugural 2015 group, which is organizing celebrations to coincide with the official inauguration, is offering a discount to parties of four or more to attend “a thank-you event” for just $2,000 per person. That’s $1,000 off retail!
As election neared, millions poured into Maine
In the last 13 days before Election Day, state campaign finance records show millions of dollars coming in, millions going out – much of it for the heated race for governor.
The party’s not over
The number of fundraising events appears to have slowed during this last month as campaigns have accelerated their efforts to raise money from everyday citizens, not just high-dollar donors, through phone calls and emails.
The ‘gatekeepers’: Ten wealthy Mainers giving $3.95 million to this election
The top 10 individual Maine donors to state and national political campaigns represent just .001 percent of Maine’s adult population of about one million. But that minuscule percentage represents 27.3 percent of all donations to candidates, parties and causes from contributors with a Maine address.