Kate Cough

127 posts
Kate Cough is editor of The Maine Monitor. She previously served as enterprise editor for The Monitor while also covering energy and the environment and writing the weekly Climate Monitor newsletter. Before joining The Monitor, Kate was a beat reporter for The Ellsworth American and digital media strategist for The Ellsworth American and Mount Desert Islander. Kate graduated with honors from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and Magna Cum Laude from Bryn Mawr College. Kate is an eighth generation Mainer, who lives on Mount Desert Island with her husband, daughter, and dogs.
A decorative graphic with the Maine State Legislature, overlayed with text that says what bill is being highlighted.

L.D. 1471: Mining rule change

Resolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Portions of Chapter 200: Metallic Mineral Exploration, Advanced Exploration and Mining, a Late-filed Major Substantive Rule of the Department of Environmental Protection.
A composite of four images seen during the presentation.

Using fire to manage forests

Fire is “a huge part” of forestry management elsewhere in the country, and a useful one, but it’s complicated to use for forestry management in Maine.
The Maine Monitor has five newsletters to keep you informed about Maine.