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Here are some resources to learn more about coastal erosion in Maine

From mapping and sea rise tracking tools to model ordinances, a marine geologist offers resources for homeowners and others who want to learn more.
Aerial view of LincolnHealth and how it is surrounded by water
In recent years, flooding and storm surge have forced the town to close the main road to the LincolnHealth hospital several times a year. Photo by Alex MacLean.

Coastal erosion is here, because of changing weather patterns that bring fierce storms ever more frequently. Look no further than the storm that hit Maine on Dec. 23.

Peter Slovinsky, a marine geologist at the Maine Geological Survey, offers the following resources for homeowners and others who want to learn more.

Slovinsky joined two other panelists and the Monitor’s environmental reporter, Kate Cough, for a virtual discussion Jan. 26 about the effects of the storm and what it illustrates about the effects of sea level rise on Maine’s coasts.

Watch that video below and read a recap on the event.

Measuring the seas

NOAA CO-OPs Portland Tide Gauge

NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service, Portland

Hohonu tide sensors deployed in cooperation with GMRI

Maine Geological Survey Sea Level Rise Ticker

MGS Sea Level Rise Dashboard

Resources to understand risks to coastal hazards in Maine

MGS Maine Beach Mapping Program

MGS Coastal Sand Dune Mapping

MGS Coastal Bluff Mapping

MGS Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge Viewer

MGS Coastal Structure and Dune Crest Inventory and Overtopping Potential

MGS Living Shoreline Decision Support Tool

Maine Flood Hazard Map

TNC Coastal Resilience Mapper

Resources to help respond to coastal hazards in Maine

MGS Maine Coastal Property Owner’s Guide to Erosion, Flooding, and Other Hazards

MGS Beach and Dune Best Management Practices

Maine DEP Common Questions and General Guidelines for Repair or Rebuilding in the Coastal Sand Dune System

Maine DEP Chapter 355 – Coastal Sand Dune Rules

Maine DEP Chapter 305 — Permit by Rule

Maine Chapter 1000 — Mandatory Shoreland Zoning

Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC) Living Shorelines Working Group

Living Shorelines In New England — State of the Practice Report (NROC)

Living Shorelines in New England — Example Profile Pages (TNC/NROC)

Case Studies for Living Shorelines in New England (TNC.NROC)

Cumberland County Soil and Water District Coastal Bluff Planting Guide

Model Coastal Ordinance Language (SMPDC)


The Maine Monitor

The Maine Monitor is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service of the Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting. Our team of investigative journalists use data- and document-based reporting to produce stories that have an impact.

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A screenshot of the four participants of the virtual panel on the impacts of storms and sea level rise.

Panelists discuss coastal erosion lessons to learn from Dec. 23 storm

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