A collection of stories about Maine’s healthcare system: from hospitals and aging care facilities to shortages of nurses and system policies.
Maine health providers cautious, but optimistic on AI
The state's largest health care systems have already incorporated the technology into certain areas of practice, but many small providers are wary.
As birthing units close, where do midwives fit in?
As hospitals close their birthing units, independent midwives are reluctant to provide care in areas without a safety net.
Legislature considers push for MaineCare to cover doula services
Advocates say increasing access to doulas could help improve health outcomes in the state.
Nine Maine hospitals have closed or announced plans to close their birthing units in the past decade. The closures have hit rural areas particularly hard.
On average, rural Mainers whose closest hospital doesn’t have a birthing unit are now driving 45 minutes one-way to the nearest birthing hospital, according to a recent analysis.
The number of mental health providers licensed in Maine is up 60 percent since 2019. It still isn’t enough.
Despite the increase, many Mainers are still waiting months for care.
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