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Maine Reckoning: Vincent Edwards

Maine Reckoning reflects on the lives of Black Mainers since the George Floyd murder, asking a key question: Has anything changed?
The logo for the Maine Reckoning podcast which features the newsroom's pen logo in the upper left corner, and the text "Maine Reckoning" inside an outline of the state of Maine.
Artwork by Olivia Martin.

What is life in Maine like for Black people since George Floyd’s murder, especially for those who recently moved to Maine?

headshot of Vincent Edwards
Vincent Edwards

That question is at the heart of interviewer Tori Lyn’s podcast with Portland resident Vincent Edwards, who talks about the experience of moving to Maine and building a life here at the beginning of the pandemic.

The Maine Monitor thanks the Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs at Colby College and the Elmina B. Sewall Foundation for supporting this project.

You can listen below to the episode or you can find it on some of your favorite podcast hosting platforms including SpotifyApple PodcastsAmazon MusiciHeart RadioGoogle PodcastsTuneIn + AlexaPodcast AddictPodchaserPocket CastsCastboxDeezerCastroListen NotesPodfriendPlayer FM and Podcast Index.

Read a transcript of this interview.  And check out our previous episodes of Maine Reckoning with Jill Duson, Dustin Ward and Ruby and Ellis Jenkins-Henry.

A banner encouraging people to donate to The Maine Monitor newsroom. The text reads "Your trusted nonprofit newsroom" and includes an orange donate button. Images embedded within the banner include a man picking crops in a field, a man holding his young daughter outside the Maine CDC office, a lawmaker in front of the state house, aerospace engineers working on a rocket and electric transmission lines


Tori Lyn

Tori Lyn is a podcast host for The Maine Monitor. Tori works in racial equity and economic development for a local government agency, and is a community advocate for her neighborhood of Portland. She also works as a community facilitator with Integrative Inquiry, helping organizations navigate discussions of equity and inclusion within the workplace. Tori was recently elected to the Portland City Council.

Carly Peruccio

Carly Peruccio is an audio producer for The Maine Monitor. She is the Teaching Assistant for the Radio and Podcasting track at the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies at MECA, where she edits students’ stories. She also works at the Portland Public Library in Teen Services. Carly is a graduate of Bates College and the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies.

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The logo for the Maine Reckoning podcast which features the newsroom's pen logo in the upper left corner, and the text "Maine Reckoning" inside an outline of the state of Maine.

Transcript: Maine Reckoning podcast episode with Vincent Edwards

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