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Monitor’s Rose Lundy wins health award, and Roger McCord named a finalist for New England Emmy

Lundy’s coverage in 2021 focused, in part, on nursing home closures, staffing shortages, and the impacts of the pandemic.
composite image of the headshot of Rose Lundy and Roger McCord
Maine Monitor health reporter Rose Lundy and Chasing Maine videojournalist Roger McCord.

Rose Lundy, the public health reporter for The Maine Monitor, has been awarded the Public Health Journalism Award from the Maine Public Health Association.

The award “recognizes a journalist who has made a significant contribution to public health in Maine.’’ The association will present the award at a virtual ceremony on May 24.

Lundy’s coverage in 2021 focused in part on nursing home closures and the impacts of the pandemic. Her work included a July 2021 article that examined nursing home staff shortages that predated the pandemic, and the increasing reliance on contract nurses to fill shifts. That article was written with Braeden Waddell and published with the support of the Investigative Reporting Workshop.

Lundy is a 2020 Report for America corps member, one of three RFA members at the Monitor. Before coming to the Monitor, she covered politics and local government for three years at The Daily News in southwest Washington.

The Maine Public Health Association will present a number of awards at their ceremony next month. The president’s award, the group’s highest honor, will go to the Maine CDC’s COVID Case Investigation Team.

Meanwhile, the work of another Monitor journalist, Roger McCord, has been nominated for a Boston/New England Emmy Award.

McCord’s video, A Bumpy Road Less Traveled With A Rodeo Clown, is a finalist in the video essay category. The story followed rodeo clown Cliff “Hollywood” Harris, a performer at the Cumberland Fair, who talked about the ups and downs of rodeo entertainment. It’s the “most dangerous eight seconds in sports.”

McCord creates “Chasing Maine,” a video series that explores Maine from a distinct visual perspective. You can see the series on the Monitor site or subscribe to the Chasing Maine playlist on YouTube.

The Boston/New England Emmy Awards ceremony will be held at the Wang Theatre in Boston on June 4.

The work of the Monitor’s reporters is supported by a number of foundations, including The Betterment Fund and The Elmina B. Sewall Foundation, and hundreds of individual donors.


The Maine Monitor

The Maine Monitor is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service of the Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting. Our team of investigative journalists use data- and document-based reporting to produce stories that have an impact.

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