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Experts talk future of Maine dams in March ‘radio hour’

The show offers a behind-the-scenes look at recent Maine Monitor reporting.
logo for The Maine Monitor Radio Hour show.
The radio show airs live on WERU 89.8 FM the first Thursday of every month.

This month’s edition of “The Maine Monitor Radio Hour” features a panel discussion about the future of Maine’s dams, including the dams on Silver Lake, Alamoosook Lake, and Toddy Pond.

Maine Monitor environmental reporter Emmett Gartner led the February 4 discussion with James Woidt (a lead author of the dams chapter of 2024 Report Card on Maine’s Infrastructure by the American Society of Civil Engineers), Susan Lessard (Bucksport town manager and Chair of the Maine Board of Environmental Protection) and Gina Bushong (a member of the Orland board of selectmen).

With a number of federal licenses set to expire, and with smaller, state-regulated dams requiring immediate action to stay safe, Maine has a unique opportunity to influence the state’s network of dams.

Throughout 2024, Emmett has reported on Maine’s dams in a series of in-depth stories that explored the future of Maine’s deteriorating dams as they face growing threats from climate change and fall out of favor for public investment.

His reporting clearly demonstrated that what happens with Maine’s remaining dams could have dramatic implications for both the state’s plans to move away from fossil fuels and for the communities that have been shaped by these structures for centuries.

As debates play out, the Wabanaki Nations, local communities, and environmental nonprofits are trying their best to leverage their influence to decide the dams’ futures.

You can listen to the episode here. Tune in to listen live the first Thursday of every month at 4 p.m. on WERU 89.9 FM.


The Maine Monitor

The Maine Monitor is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service of the Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting. Our team of investigative journalists use data- and document-based reporting to produce stories that have an impact.

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