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Second ‘radio hour’ covers opioid settlements, dams, child welfare

The show offers a behind-the-scenes look at recent reporting by The Maine Monitor.
logo for The Maine Monitor Radio Hour show.
The radio show airs live on WERU 89.8 FM the first Thursday of every month.

The Maine Monitor Radio Hour is a monthly program in which reporters and editors from The Maine Monitor join WERU host Amy Browne for a discussion about the newsroom’s recent reporting.

This month, Browne was joined by health reporter Emily Bader, rural reporter Emmett Gartner and government accountability Josh Keefe.

Bader discussed her reporting on how counties and municipalities are spending their share of opioid settlement funds.

Gartner talked about his reporting on dam removals in Yarmouth and Dover-Foxcroft. (Note: This episode aired before Dover-Foxcroft voters chose not to remove their dam.)

Keefe detailed his in-depth reporting into calls for transparency in Maine’s child welfare system and about a state supreme court case that found a mother’s parental rights were unfairly terminated.

Listen to episode 2 and tune in to WERU 89.9 FM the first Thursday of every month at 4 p.m. to listen live.


The Maine Monitor

The Maine Monitor is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service of the Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting. Our team of investigative journalists use data- and document-based reporting to produce stories that have an impact.

Content labeled as “By The Maine Monitor” are written by staff editors and are reserved for newsroom announcements (e.g. stories about accolades earned or welcoming new hires). This content is reviewed and approved by another editor.

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