Community Announcement This piece contains information that was supplied externally; not impartial, fact-checked journalism.

Survey says: “Independent, credible, in-depth, substantiated, detailed, nonpartisan, hard-hitting, courageous”

We got a terrific response from our readers to the survey we sent in January. Here are the results.
An illustration of a brown dog standing at attention in front of a wooden cutout of the state of Maine
The Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting is a nonprofit newsroom focused on being an investigative watchdog for the people of Maine.

We got a terrific response from our readers to the survey we sent in January — almost 15 percent of you took the survey, which puts our readers in the “Nobel Prize For Answering Surveys” category.

Better still was what found out from you: We got lots of information about how you use our website, where you read our stories, what you think about our stories’ length, and why readers do or don’t contribute financially to our organization. We know better what you think of our name and logo, too, though we got some conflicting answers there: Some of you like our watchdog, and some of you thought it made us look like an advocacy organization for pets.

But there was no conflicting information when it comes to what you think of our stories. We were incredibly gratified to see the chart below, which is a compilation of answers to the question, “Which of these words best describes our work? Please choose any of the words that you believe describes our work.” We offer no interpretation, just our thanks that readers like you get what we do.


The Maine Monitor

The Maine Monitor is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service of the Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting. Our team of investigative journalists use data- and document-based reporting to produce stories that have an impact.

Content labeled as “By The Maine Monitor” are written by staff editors and are reserved for newsroom announcements (e.g. stories about accolades earned or welcoming new hires). This content is reviewed and approved by another editor.

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