Sun Journal pens editorial on MCPIR’s reporting

The Lewiston-based newspaper wrote an editorial based on the reporting of the Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting.
An illustration of a brown dog standing at attention in front of a wooden cutout of the state of Maine
The Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting is a nonprofit newsroom focused on being an investigative watchdog for the people of Maine.

The Sun Journal editorialized about our series on state employee discrimination suits.

Here’s an excerpt:

“A Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting investigation, published Dec. 19, revealed the disgraceful behavior and the costly settlement agreements in state government based on its review of public records detailing the accusations and resulting compensation.

For instance, taxpayers spent $20,000 to settle a claim made by a state prison worker who was subjected to regular sexual harassment, including being referred to as “Genitalia” instead of her real name, and being asked about her favorite sexual positions.

No one should have to endure that degradation, never mind at work and certainly not from fellow corrections officers who most certainly know better.”


The Maine Monitor

The Maine Monitor is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service of the Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting. Our team of investigative journalists use data- and document-based reporting to produce stories that have an impact.
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