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Three-year state transportation plan includes projects throughout Washington County

The plan includes repaving projects on Route 1, improvements at Machias Valley Regional Airport, and road, culvert and bridge projects in Addison, Jonesport and elsewhere.
A rendering shows the proposed hangars at the Machias Valley Regional Airport.
This preliminary rendering shows hangars at the Machias Valley Regional Airport, which is one of two current projects underway at the airport. Courtesy the city of Machias.

A three-year state transportation plan includes projects throughout Washington County, including a 68-mile repaving project on Route 1, improvements at Machias Valley Airport, and road, culvert and bridge projects in Addison, Jonesport and elsewhere.

The work plan outlines 2,599 individual projects statewide valued at $3.94 billion, boosted primarily by federal money from the bipartisan infrastructure bill passed by congress and signed by President Biden.  

Around the state, other big projects include several interstate bridge replacements, improved  rail lines, road reconstruction on Route 1 in Searsport, and  construction of approximately six miles of new highway between Route 1 in Westfield and the Conant Road project in Presque Isle at a cost of about $84 million.

Below is a partial list of Washington County projects from the DOT’s three-year plan. 

See the Maine DOT plan and search by town to find projects near you.


2023: Pavement preservation and drainage work on 68 miles of Route 1 between East Machias and Calais, including parts of Routes 9 and 190. Cost: $60.1 million. This project will start at Machias/East Machias and Whiting, respectively.

Construction on the entire stretch should be done in 2026, said DOT spokesman Paul Merrill.


2023/24: Route 1: Beginning 0.07 of a mile north of Spruce Street in Milbridge and extending north 4.81. Highway reconstruction. Cost: $16.8 million – recipient of 2023 Congressionally Directed Spending. 

2023: Route 193. Description: Beginning 0.02 of a mile south of Ridge Road and extending north 8.72 miles. Work: Highway Construction/Rehabilitation. Estimated Funding: $5,610,000


2023: Sale or Purchase of lot or building. Purpose: To acquire land for a longer runway, which would facilitate LifeFlight, the lifesaving medical/emergency air transport for the region. Estimated Funding : $1,290,000

2023: New Construction. Safety and infrastructure improvements that may include design and permitting for taxi lane construction. Funding: $464,000

2023: Crack Sealing. Pavement maintenance.

2024/25: Reconstruction. Design and construct apron. Estimated Funding: $1,550,000

2024/25: New Construction. Design new runway. Estimated Funding: $1,100,000.

“This year is the design and engineering of the taxi lane, which will lead to the hangars,” Machias town manager Bill Kitchen told The Maine Monitor. “Construction of taxi lane is slated for summer of ‘24. We’re hopeful that at least three of the pads and hangars can be constructed at the same time, and the others would follow.’’

A second project would involve the “environmental assessment, siting, and property acquisition for a longer crosswind runway.” That would enable LifeFlight’s fixed wing aircraft to access this region, Kitchen said.


2024/25: Dike Bridge over Middle River. Located 0.17 of a mile north of Route 1A. This project is only partially funded for construction and is contingent upon a successful future competitive grant application. Work: Bridge Improvements. Funding: $2,500,000.

2023: Drainage Maintenance. Ditching and replacing culverts at various locations on Route 192 in Machias, Marshfield, Whitneyville, Northfield, and Wesley. Beginning at the intersection of Route 1A in Machias and extending to the intersection of Route 9 in Wesley. Estimated Funding: $185,000 


Breakwater Pier. Description: Located off Sea Street. This project is only partially funded for construction and is contingent upon a successful future competitive grant application. Estimated Funding: $800,000

2024-2025: Beginning at Deep Cove Road and extending east 0.62 of a mile to Water Street. Scope: Drainage Improvements. Road: Route 190. Estimated Funding: $446,000

2024: Light Capital Paving. Port Road, Route 192, Route 92

2023: Route 1/Route 9/Route 190. Description: Route 1: Beginning at the Whitneyville town line and extending north 63.18 miles. Route 190: Beginning at Route 1 and extending southeast 6.50 miles. Route 9: Beginning at Route 1 and extending west 0.33 of a mile. FHWA INFRA Grant recipient. Estimated Funding: $3,100,000


2023 – Route 193. Description: Beginning 0.02 of a mile south of Ridge Road and extending north 8.72 miles. Estimated Funding: $5,610,000

2024/25: Route 193 Highway Rehabilitation. Beginning at Hatchery Road and extending north 9.070 miles. Estimated Funding $9,070,000 

2023: Route 193 Bridge Replacement. Bridge deck replacement, over Narraguagus River. Located 0.14 of a mile east of Lane Road. Funding: $1,300,000


2023: Purchase snow removal equipment. Estimated Funding: $75,000.

Install security fence. Estimated Funding: $125,000


2024/25: Rehabilitation of International Bridge over Saint Croix River. Estimated Funding $500,000.


2024/25: Bridge Replacement, Route 9. Beaver Dam Bridge over Beaver Dam Brook. Located 3.00 miles north of Junior Williams Road.

2024/25: Bridge Replacement, Route 9. Big New Stream Bridge over E. Branch New Stream. Located 0.67 of a mile west of Junior Williams Road.

2024: Highway Paving, Light Capital Paving. Route 192. Beginning at Route 1 and extending northwest 20.25 miles to Airline Road.


2024/25: Bridge Replacement: Station Road. Moosehorn Bridge (#3332) over Cranberry Creek. Located 0.17 of a mile west of Goodell Road.

2024/25: Bridge Replacement: Round Pond Bridge over Round Pond Outlet. Located 1.10 miles northeast of Ayers Junction Road.


2024/25: Tibbettstown Road. Description: Large culvert located 0.32 of a mile north of Centerville Road. Large Culvert Replacement. Estimated Funding: $600,000

2024/25: Tibbettstown Road. Description: Large culvert located 0.09 of a mile north of Centerville Road. Estimated Funding $600,000 

2023: Jonesboro. Description: Route 1, beginning 0.11 of a mile east of Addison Road and extending east 9.84 miles. Cold in-place recycle road work.

2024: Route 187. Description: Beginning at the west junction of Route 1 and extending southeast 22.87 miles to the east junction of Route 1.  Highway Paving, Light Capital Paving. 


2023: Light Capital Paving. County Road/New Port Road, Route 1, Route 189, Route 191, Route 214, Route 86, South Edmunds Road, South Lubec Road. 

2024-25: New Marine Facility – Creation of a new breakwater, boat launch, parking lot, and wharf located off of Route 189 (135 Main Street). MARAD BUILD Grant recipient. Estimated Funding: $29,100,000

2023: Main Street: Beginning 0.01 of a mile south of South Street and extending northeast 0.12 of a mile. South Street: Beginning at Main Street and extending east 0.28 of a mile. Estimated Funding: $170,000

2024/25: Bridge Replacement, Route 191, Rice Bridge over Rice Stream. Located 0.21 of a mile north of Moose River Road.


2024/25: Route 187 – Bridge Replacement: Cross Cove Bridge over Cross Cove. Located 0.01 of a mile northeast of Island Street. Estimated Funding: $2,500,000 

2024-25: Route 187 – Cummings Bridge over Donovan Creek. Bridge Replacement Estimated Funding: $1,500,000

2023: Drainage Maintenance: Ditching and replacing culverts at various locations on Route 187 in Columbia Falls, Addison, Jonesport, and Jonesboro. Beginning at the intersection of Route 1 in Columbia Falls and extending to Route 1 in Jonesboro. Estimated Funding: $120,000


2024/25 – New Bridge. Description: Mill Cove New Bridge over Mill Cove. FHWA INFRA Grant recipient. Estimated Funding: $4,130,000


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